Final Report From Bootcamp!
We are in the final stretch of boot camp!
This is our final day of training and then we are getting ready to pack out for the field. This will be our last report before the field!
Over the last few days we have been wrapping up our classes. This week the kids got to start some new classes. They participated in Advanced Evangelism, Puppets and Balloons class.
The kids have been able to learn about the techniques of sharing the gospel with people, and have been given the opportunity to practice leading others to the Lord. Puppets and balloons have been some lighter classes the kids enjoy. In balloons class the kids are able to create different animals and shapes with the balloons. They really enjoyed these classes
The kids are getting excited about heading out to Montana.
“Amazing things are happening in the hearts of the kids on our team. Having problems with an anxious heart.” - Trinity A.
The people are great, the food is alright…”- Candice C.
“The food is amazing. Bootcamp is amazing. My team is very nice.There are lots of mosquitoes.My leaders are very caring. It’s not very hot this year. Everything is dirty” - Elijah E.
“Mom, I miss you so much! I love you and can’t wait to see you again. Love you so much”- Megan S.
“Boot camp is hard! But amazing!You get a chance to leave the world behind; your phone, your influences ect. And be surrounded by teens and leaders chasing after God! The training is wonderful and the discipleship priceless ( though not without struggle) Overall wonderful.” - Emily
“Everytime I go to teen missions, I grow spiritually and emotionally. It's only been under a week, but I can already tell how much I’ve grown. I'm glad that I decided to come again.” - Ella J.
“Hey Everyone! Boot camp is pretty hard with mosquito bites. It’s going well other than that. I miss everybody. Hope you are all okay” - Sarah
“Hello, Boot camp is not too hard. I just dislike the heat. Don’t have too much fun without me” - Phoenix
“Greetings from Boot Camp! Serving the Lord is such a privilege. The worship and devotions are so encouraging. I’m looking forward to our time on the field” - Hannah