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Greeting from the Philippines LDT team!

Greeting from the Philippines LDT team!

We have been here for 10 days! We had a six-day Boot Camp where the team slept in tents, bathed out of buckets, had classes and did work projects. We were commissioned last Sunday evening, June 18. Abigail H. from the Australia team led us in worship every day during our evening devotions and also led the worship music during our Commissioning. Steve Petersen, the President of Teen Missions, gave the message. Following the service, we all enjoyed ice cream sundaes, and cold drinks. Then we were off to bed for our first night in air-conditioned dorm rooms.

On Monday evening, part of the team went to the airport to help with picking up the team members from the other teams. Another group went out early Tuesday morning and a few stayed back to help with the "walk-ins". They all enjoyed their different jobs.

Our days begin early, with breakfast at 5:30. Following that, some go to help judge the Obstacle Course and others help with morning KP duties. After personal devotions, the team cleans the bathrooms before heading off to the former team member's class before going to do their various responsibilities. Some help in the drama, music, and puppet classes while others help with various work projects. Our responsibilities keep us busy, but we all manage time for a quick "real" shower. In the evenings, we attend rallies where we might help the worship team or video team and rotate as "counselor helpers".

The team continues to bond well. Their "servant's hearts" are such an encouragement to, not only the leadership but to the staff and volunteers serving this summer.

You can watch the evening rallies on the Teen Missions YouTube site every evening, beginning at 7 PM. Keep a lookout for the LDT team which is seated in the back.

Please pray that the Philippines and Bolivia drop all of their Covid testing requirements before June 29. We are the only two teams requiring testing.

Philippines LDT Is Ready For Debrief
By: Philippines Team Leaders
The Philippines teams has arrived in Manila for a few days of sightseeing.
Philippines Video
By: Philippines Team Leader