Greetings from HOT, HOT, and dry Florida...
Our team continues to do well. The Preteens arrived on Tuesday and they have really enjoyed working with them. The days are long and they are tired at the end of the day. Being in dorm rooms instead of tents is a big plus with the heat! The highlight of everyone's day is the rallies. If you are not watching them, please go to YouTube and search for Teen Missions live rallies. It begins at 7 PM EST.
It was also a sad week for us in that one of our team members had to switch off of our team due to passport/visa issues. Even though we knew that God put him there for a reason (and with us for a reason), it was still hard on the team. He is now on the South Africa team, so the team gets to see him quite a bit. He has adjusted well to his new team and is proving to be a "leader among his peers". That has helped our team adjust to not having him with us.
Thank you for your prayers. We will have one team member waiting on her visa, so please pray that it gets processed quickly.
Here are some testimonies:
Hello Friends and Family! The LDT Boot Camp was really good. The classes and work we did were a blessing. We have been working hard at various jobs for this Boot Camp. I love my team and we all can't wait to get to India! I miss you all! - Bethany
Hey everyone! LDT has been absolutely amazing and such a blessing! I have learned so much in the past two weeks and made so many new friends. I can't wait to serve in India!!!! -Aiden
Hi Friends and Family! We are having a great time at Boot Camp. It has been a blessing being on this team, strengthening friendships, and making new friends. I enjoy helping with the OC and whatever the staff needs. I'm excited to see what the Lord continues to do this summer. Love, Abby