Greetings from hot India!
They began the week by teaching the students and interns dramas and puppets. They thoroughly enjoyed it and having done the same thing at Boot Camp, helped with their teaching skills.
The team spent the past two mornings painting a building where they held their India Boot Camp this past May. Last night the team divided up and walked up and down the streets of our village handing out tracts. It was so encouraging to see their enthusiasm in interacting with the nationals. Afterwards, they did a presentation of puppets and singing followed by making balloons for the children. The balloons were a big hit. And to think we only hit 1/4 of the village. We will be going out to the other 3/4 over the next few days.
The Coordinators of India provided an Indian meal yesterday for lunch. The team enjoyed it. Aiden especially loved the spicy food. A couple of them turned bright red and were consuming a ton of water, but most enjoyed it. We really appreciate the kindness of our Coordinators. They provide fresh milk from water buffalos every morning and are quick to take care of our needs.
We are still missing two personal bags, but the girls have been troopers by sharing their clothes and making sure both girls had everything they needed. Please pray that the bags arrive tomorrow.
Here are some testimonies:
Dear Family and Friends, It is pretty hot here, but we're surviving and having a great time. Last night we got to go out into the village and share testimonies, sing songs and just spend time with the people here. It has been such a fulfilling experience and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of our summer. -Simon O.
As our time in Vijayawada starts, I am so thankful for everything we have already been able to do here. So far, we have painted the place where the Indian Boot Camp was held this year, taught the drama "Colors" to the Bible school students, handed out tracts in the village and had an open-air presentation for the locals. -Ben
These past few days in India have felt unreal. There is so much joy here amongst our team and the people. The first day, we were given the opportunity to teach the Bible school students here the drama, "Color" and also puppets. I have loved getting to interact with the people and the kids. One of my favorite things is when some of the kids will come to our gate and wave with the biggest smiles on their faces. It makes my heart so happy. Last night we did our first street presentation for the people in the village. It was amazing! When we walked around, all the kids followed us and asked us our names and told us theirs. It is my favorite thing to see the kids smile and listen to them talk. I love the weather. It is really hot and I am not sad about that. Every day has challenges and its blessings, but there is never a dull day here in India! -Halee
Hi Everybody! I have really enjoyed being on the LDT team. I know the summer is only partway through, but God has already taught me so much about becoming a leader. Something I have learned is that I am in desperate need of God's strength. Trying to do Boot Camp, much less life on my own is pointless. Some verses that have encouraged me are I Corinthians 1:26-27 which talks about God using the weak things. I am so grateful that even though I am so weak, He is so strong! -Faith