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Greetings from Tanzania

Greetings from Tanzania

What an exciting first few days we have had! Our travel was long, but we saw the Lord working every step of the way. Our first flight to Minneapolis was easy, but the one to Amsterdam was delayed by 1 hour and 50 minutes...the exact amount of time we had for a layover. We prayed as a team that the Lord's will be done. As we were checking in, about six members were not processing in the computer. Russell and I (Lori) stepped to the side and prayed again. While I was waiting, I was able to witness to one of the air marshals that was attending the gate. Afterwards, the computer accepted the ones who were not processed, and we were on our way! We were at the back of the plane and we landed at the time our next flight was to take off. I told the kids to just pray and lets see what happens. We got off the plane and an agent was waiting for us. They had held the flight! We had to run, but we were going to make it to Tanzania that night. What a faith builder it was for us all. God cares about ALL of the details. When we arrived in Tanzania, we only had 28 of our 48 bags. We knew this was because we barely made the flight to begin with. The team shared clothes and we made it through the first night.

On Tuesday, we took the day to settle in and work on our presentation. Your children are talented and have managed to learn two dramas, four puppet songs, and tons of other songs to sing to entertain the children. They also have some wordless bracelets and books, coloring books with the Christmas story in it, and balloons to make animals with. They are planning games to play with the kids as well. Praise the Lord, when Mr. Russell went to the airport that night, all of our bags had arrived. The kids were so happy to have clean clothes and sleeping bags that night.

Wednesday was our first full workday. We are helping to finish some staff housing. There was a crew putting up sheetrock, and a painting crew. They are hard workers. During work hours we always have someone praying for the team in what we call the "prayer closet". It gives the kids a chance to pray for the ministries going on around the world as well as right her where we are serving. After work the kids were invited to play soccer with the students here at the base. They had so much fun.

Our Bible study this summer is the book of Philippians, and it has been fun to dig in the word together each evening and see what the Lord has for us to learn. We also have started our Boys/Girls classes. They are so interactive which makes the learning process so much more interesting. We learn and grow and challenge one another. Tonight we will have our first student led evening devotions. We go through in count off order so each person will get a chance to teach what the Lord lays on their hearts. Sometimes it is a testimony, sometimes it is just something God has been teaching them. We look forward to getting to know them better through this fun evening activity.

Tait K. I thank God for this opportunity and for growth. I thank Him for his peace as I miss some people and I thank Him for His creation here.

Andrea J. Hey Y'all. Just wanted to say how much I am growing here. It's hard sometimes and I miss my family so much, but I thank God for this opportunity. Love you all!

Amariah W. The Lord has really been teaching me lately to give everything to Him, to lay it all at His feet. I am really excited to see what the Lord has planned for us! I love you and can't wait to share all about it! Thank you for all the prayers!

Levi M. Hello my beautiful Fam! I am missing y'all so much! I hope y'all are doing ok without me. I am so excited to get home to see you guys and my friends. Love y'all.

Wyatt M. Hello fam, being in Tanzania has been incredible and it's been great to see God's glory in the mountains, the flowers, and the animals. We've done some fun work and we're gonna start going to Sunday Schools to share the gospel. I'm excited to see y'all after debrief!

Micah W. Hello guys. I'm having so much fun here. I am growing closer to my team and to God. Today, we are going to a Sunday school to do a presentation. The nationals are really nice and have invited us to play soccer with them every night. I miss you guys so much.

Tanzania arrived Safely at Debrief
Tanzania Safari
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Finishing Strong in Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders