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Finishing Strong in Tanzania

Finishing Strong in Tanzania

It is hard to believe that as I write this, we only have five more days here in Tanzania.  This week will be full and lots of fun, but first let me catch you up on our amazing last few days.  Thursday was a workday here on the base.  Our work projects have all centered on finishing the inside of the staff housing building on the base.  The kids have finished all the sheetrock and have now started taping and mudding the seams.  Another group has started mixing mortar and laying tile.  One group has diligently been working away at progress on the septic tank hole, while the final group has been assisting the Bible students organize their crate of building supplies and start to pull out supplies to prepare for their boot camp this December.  The kids rotate through these different work groups, and each are learning new skills.  It is full to visit the worksite and hear them talk about what they are learning and see them be pushed to do things that they never thought they could.  The growth that we are seeing in amazing, and I hope that they will come home and share all of these new experiences with you.
Friday, we went out to a village school that was about an hour away.  The school had 258 children.  This was the largest group that we had at one time this summer.  The kids did some singing for us and then we shared with them.  Your kids have so much energy and enthusiasm that it is contagious!  What a blessing to witness.  The school children loved the puppets too.  We have gotten mixed reactions to the puppets, but this group loved them!  After our hour long program, we did a round of Walking on the Heavenly Road and finally finished with the largest game of "duck, duck, goose" that I have ever seen!  We had six groups of 50 people.  It was amazing and the laughter could be heard for miles around....We had a picnic lunch in the bus on the way back to the base and then worked for the rest of the afternoon helping the students at the base harvest their dry beans.  Even small projects like this bring us joy as we continue bonding as a team.
Saturday was our last outing for a Sunday School program.  It was to a small village about twenty minutes from the base.  It was a smaller group, but the program was just as impactful.  On Sunday we went back to this village to attend church at the Donyo KKKT church.  It was a fun experience.  They have a choir that does competitions and we were able to hear them sing.  What a gift they have.  We were able to share a couple of songs and a couple of testimonies and the church thanked us for coming.  What a blessing to be able to worship beside our brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa.  I know your children have been touched by this and this church was a special time.  Our team has been working hard on their memory verses and so we were able to finish everyones review and do some quizzing.  This is a highlight for the team and it is fun to see them improve.  Acelyn W and Lauren K wrote a song and performed it for us as well.  I am so thankful that everyone is willing to share the gifts that God has given to them with the team and all those we meet.
Today the kids are finishing up with their last full day of work.  Tomorrow we will be heading out for our Safari!  Please pray for a safe and enjoyable trip.  
Amariah W.  Something the Lord has shown me and convicted me of, is being grateful for everything.  One EV day, we fed the kids and they were so excited and it really touched me.  I have been having so much fun and I can't wait to share it with you.
Levi M.  Hi Fam,  It's the last week of stuff on the field.  I'm so excited to see y'all.  I've seen so many things.  This week is the Safari!  Love y'all-Levi 
Wyatt M.  Hello family and friends, this week has been filled with some great Sunday School classes that we've been leading as well as some construction for staff housing.  Can't wait to see you guys.-Wyatt
Micah W.  Hi Guys, it has been an awesome trip so far.  We've been doing a lot of evangelism and it has been cool seeing all the children.- Micah
Peyton B.  Hey guys Tanzania has been GREAT!  Our EV days have been awesome.  We've worked really hard on our presentations.  We've been working on the building a lot and have been somewhat helpful.  I can't wait to tell you all the stories.
Kendall B.  Hi Mom, Dad, and anyone else who is reading.  I'm having a great time this summer.  Yesterday we had 258 kids show up to our Sunday School service.  I met an adorable little girl named Witness.  Will show you pictures at home.  Love, Kendall

Tanzania arrived Safely at Debrief
Tanzania Safari
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Blessing the community
By: Tanzania Team Leaders