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Blessing the community

Blessing the community

Greetings from Tanzania! Monday was a special workday. We were able to go into a community and plant seedlings around a hospital. They worked hard and got about 750 of the 1000 seedlings planted. What a blessing for the community. Tuesday was another workday at the base. We completed more painting and also finished up the sheetrock project in the new staff housing building. The base is trying to dig a hole to put in a septic system and the kids really wanted to get in and dig! On Tuesday we finally let them as the other projects had enough helpers. They had so much fun. I love how they go to work with joy in their hearts and literally do whatever they are asked to do. They have been faithfully working on their memory verses and are enjoying quizzing one another during their free time. I know I said this last time as well, but the leaders absolutely love to see them all hiding God's Word in their hearts. God also blessed us with a clear day to enjoy the beautiful view of Mt. Kilimanjaro. We have had many overcast days here and so to enjoy it for a whole day blessed us!

Wednesday, we spent the morning practicing songs and program ideas for our afternoon Sunday School. The kids prepared a Bible Story to act out and also got to sing "Walking on the Heavenly Road", which the kids absolutely loved! It was a shorter program than we have been putting on, but it was an energy packed hour of presenting the gospel to the children. In the evening we had some down time playing volleyball and just hanging out.

We are enjoying our Bible Study in Philippians and the lessons Paul has for us on joy and unity. So many applicable lessons as we continue to bond as a team. Many have already started praying for each other when they return home. The transition is sometimes hard when those around them cannot understand fully what they have experienced. We are all talking about the things we are learning and how important it is to go home and continue with the new habits we have learned this summer. Personal Devotion time is held every day for 30 minutes and afterwards the kids share what they are learning. It is fun to see what the Lord is teaching the team. Please pray for us as we finish up this next 9 days in Tanzania.

Aiden P. I've been having fun in Tanzania. We've done three Sunday Schools and done a bit of work. I like looking out the window on our travels and see what new things are out there.

Eden F. Hi. Sorry Tina that I didn't send a postcard, but I want you to know that I started writing one but didn't finish it. Dad was wrong about spiders. I love EV and we are making good progress on the work project. I love and miss you all so much.

Tianna B. Hey everybody! I's been really cool to see how God is working in another part of the world and how He has answered several of our prayers. It has also been a lot of fun evangelizing to many of the kids here.

Jonathan S. Serving in Tanzania seems to give me a sense of fulfillment at times that I find very unique. I have gotten paint on many articles of clothing. I have also grown closer to a lot of my team mates.

Josiah E. Hey y'all! Learning lots here and growing in faith. I love serving here and seeing the difference between home and here. Miss you, see you soon.

Tait K. It's been fun here in Tanzania. I miss some people, but I am excited to do God's work. I'm very tired but I'm happy with the work I am doing.

Andrea J. Hi guys! Tanzania is amazing and I'm learning so much more that I thought I could. I still miss home but it's getting easier. Love y'all guys

Tanzania arrived Safely at Debrief
Tanzania Safari
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Finishing Strong in Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders