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Greetings from team Montana!

We have officially come through the first week of boot camp!
This first week has flown by! The kids have ended some of their classes, such as blocklaying, carpentry and drama.

The kids have been able to master three dramas in one week! They have learned “Colors", “Battle ground” and “Because we want to be loved”. Each of these dramas have unique roles in which all of the kids have the opportunity to dig in and take the lead. Many of our gentlemen have enjoyed playing God in both “Battle Ground” and “Colors”. The young ladies have gotten to learn many parts such as: “heart girl” in “Battle Ground”, and a creation/emotion in “Colors”

Block-laying is officially done, although many kids enjoyed this class it was a bit of a struggle from some of our girls. All of the kids have learned how to lay a straight block line and even make corners! We are very proud of the progression that we have seen with many of the kids. What started out as messy lines of mortar has turned into perfect pyramid lines. Crooked block lines have been straightened and beautiful foundations have been built.

This past weekend the kids were blessed with two exciting days! Saturday night was Teen Missions infamous pizza and milkshake night. Elijah was very quick to brag about the three milkshakes he was going to drink. We are very happy that the kids did not overeat because we took part in Run From the Devil for the second time right after dinner!

The kids have started to create their presentations for the field. Their presentations will consist of singing, puppets, drama, and testimonies. For one of the songs we have formed a quartett which is going to sing “Reckless Love”and they sound beautiful! Emily and Audrey are singing harmony while Albert and Tobias sing lead and Ella plays the guitar. They have a beautiful voice blend and we are so excited to see God use them to touch people's hearts on the field!

Sunday was a relaxing day for the team. We woke up at our normal time and were able to attend the Galilean Service, which is held near the lake during sunrise. It was a great message about our attitudes and how great the Lord is! After the service we were able to change clothes and practice memory verses. The kids have all been working hard on their verses. This is critical due to the fact that there will be a quizzing competition, when we return to Florida, at debrief.
At the end of the night the kids were able to participate in a movie night after rally. The movie was “War Room” which is about the power of prayer. This was a great time for the kids to decompress from their long and crazy week.

The kids are eagerly awaiting traveling to Montana this weekend. They have been encouraged by all of the emails and letters they have been receiving! Thank you for all of your prayers! We look forward to sharing more with you soon!

“The key to surviving boot camp is finding joy and giving thanks to God for the small things” - Tobias W.

“Boot camp has been challenging, but good. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my team and learning more about the Lord and spending time in His word.” - Sophia P.

“Bootcamp is almost over. Woohoo! It has been tough over the past week but rewarding at the same time. My least favorite things about boot camp are the mosquitoes and unfavorable weather, but my favorite part has to be devotions and night rally. “ - Kateryna T.

“Greetings family, the group is nice! We have received an S.B during music class. ( During this time I was making alligator pizza) Mother please send me socks :) ” - Nevaeh A.

Bison and Elks and Bears - Oh My!
The Beginning of the End
Evangelism Work in Montana