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Greetings from the Dominican Republic Team!

It is the second day at the Lord's Boot Camp here at Teen Missions, and it has been such a blessing to be here with the team! We have been having a wonderful time getting to know each other as a team and getting ready to serve the Lord together. 
Yesterday (6/19) was Orientation Day, and we had instructional classes for Devotional Instruction, Bible Memory, Laundry and Bathing, and Photography. Everyone then had the essential Boot Camp experience of bucket bathing in the Bathtub Lake!
Today (6/20) was our first day of Boot Camp classes! To start the morning, our team ran the Obstacle Course. It was amazing to see everyone work together for a common goal, and although a few members got their feet wet in the Slough, everyone had tons of fun! We got the opportunity to learn about concrete mixing and digging, and we practiced our music and puppet skills for evangelism in the DR.
The event that we most look forward to after the day is our evening rallies every day at 7. It is awesome to see how God is moving in the lives of every single one of the team members through personal devotions, worship, and the evening message. I am so excited to see how the Lord will use us this summer in the DR because I know that this team will be able to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. Please continue to pray for our health and safety, as well as servants' hearts and willingness to be of service to the Lord!

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)