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Greetings from the Lord's Boot Camp!

We are on day 12 here at Boot Camp.  Each day we are praying for endurance to finish strong, and are excited to get on our way to Malawi. 
Today is Sunday, June 23rd.  We started our morning with KP as usual, but overall the day has been a day of rest, which we are extremely thankful for. This afternoon we will enjoy pizza and chocolate milkshakes. The tradition started at least 20 years ago, and it's something we all look forward to. The tasty treat is baked over a ginormous BBQ pit and FTMs (Former Team Members) from each team volunteer to help make it into the shape of an alligator. It's also Mission Conference day and we are blessed to hear from some missions groups. The agencies include Teen Missions Columbia, Teen Missions Bolivia, Teen Missions Sojourner School, CRU, BJU, Overland Missions, and Midwestern Seminary Fusion. The teams have gotten to hear up close from most of the groups. We are excited to see how many of our team have a calling on their lives from the Lord to serve Him either full-time or in some way.  
Looking back over the last few days...
Because our team members are so spread out across BC (Boot Camp) working so many different jobs, they are usually pretty animated and enjoy catching up with each other at meals. As usual, the food is amazing. Ms. Cathy and her crew feed us well. One thing we look forward to each evening at dinner is Mr. Ethan asking the team a question.  They are pretty random questions and things we don't usually think about, but they get the conversation rolling and get us laughing.  
We are impressed with how hardworking our team is!  We have spoken to each of the directors they are working for and each group has gotten good reviews.  The teachers love having our Leader Development Team members working with them because they work so hard and have great attitudes.  Even as we walk around Boot Camp, people stop us and tell us how much they appreciate our team members.  Our teens are learning hands-on lessons every day about what servant leadership looks like.  It often doesn't look like we'd expect, but rather more like jumping in and getting dirty; about seeing a need and doing something about it.  We are encouraging our team to look around here at Boot Camp and see the servant leaders who surround us.  It takes a lot of hands to make BC happen and we are glad to be a part of it all. 
One of the things we look forward to each day is our 30 minutes of personal devotions time.  Here at TMI, it's something that can't be taken away and we treasure that... and the fact that the phone never rings while we get to read our Bibles.  As we spend our time together this summer, for 30 minutes each day, everything stops regardless of whether we're at BC, on a plane, or in the country and we sit and do our personal devotions.  We as leaders are always impressed with the personal growth that happens when we and our team members read God's Word, and we are praying that the Lord would give Biblical nuggets as each team member reads and prays.  We also hope it's a practice they will each take home and continue in their daily lives.    
Rally continues to be a highlight of the day.  The worship team is amazing and it seems like the team members have really enjoyed it.  Our team even has responsibilities at the Rally.  They rotate running the back camera and the boom camera, being "bathroom bouncers" who keep track of who has made a bathroom run, doing motions for songs at the front of the Praise Pit, and mic runners for the team cheers.
The weather has been warm this week, but we are still pushing water, Gatorade, and Propel.  We are praising the Lord that the team is doing well staying hydrated and we haven't needed the nurse for any hydration issues.  Each evening the temperature drops as the sun goes down and we are so very thankful for the temperature change.  We have also been blessed with very little rain in the last few days, with the exception of right now as I type this report.  I am always amazed at how much rain can come down at one time here in Florida.  It also makes us extremely thankful to be in dorms but also reminds us to pray that everybody else's tents stay dry.  
We have 4 days and a wake-up till Commissioning.  We know it'll go fast so we are trying our best to enjoy each day but also looking forward to the end of BC.  We cherish your prayers for each of us as we work, do life, and train here at the Lord's Bootcamp.  Thank you to each of our prayer partners who watch our progress and pray for us.  
If you haven't emailed or sent your team member a letter this week, please send some emails over the next few days.  Use your team members' 1st initial and last name so it'll look something like this:  Team members brighten up when they get mail from home, so you become an encouragement without even being here.  If you watch the live Rally feed or even the video that's posted afterward, there's a good chance you will get to see your team member.  
One of our team members gave me permission to share part of an email from her Mom telling how she is praying for us and I'd like to share it with you in case you need ideas on how to pray:
"I started writing out our prayer needs/request and I began with you, your team and leaders, and all the teams and leaders at TMI.  I wanted to share my list with you and hope that you will feel encouraged: spiritual growth, team bonding, health, safety, against spiritual warfare, strength and long-suffering in the face of trials, safe and successful travels to Malawi, they would spread the gospel and the Lord would be glorified in everything they do. The leaders: Mr. Tim, Miss Beth, Miss Gabby, and Mr. Ethan.  Team members: Elena, Elijah, Bea (Bay-uh), Josiah, Cadence, Mattias (Ma-tee-us), Allison, Benjamin, Josiah, Anna, Bismark, Dalton, Alex, Sammy, Shannon, Luke, Helen, Audrey.  Victory over homesickness and all the changes in their environment.  Peace and faith, knowing that God is present with them right there at Boot Camp.  Safety and good health at boot camp, free of sickness and injury.  Spiritual encounters - the Lord would meet each person at TMI during their private devotion times and worship at the evening rallies and through the speakers who pour into them.  That the Holy Spirit would change hearts and prepare everyone involved for the summer ministries in Malawi, Poland, Germany, Brazil, Guatemala, Taiwan, Dominican Republic, Tanzania..."
Web Testimonies: 
Luke: "Hello! This is Luke. I have been teaching Puppets and choreography this last week. I have enjoyed seeing the many bright faces, and the energy from all the different teams. I am looking forward to going to Malawi and seeing what God will do with this team! Shout out to my Mom, Dad, and Brother!" 
Samuel: It has been two weeks and everything has been going well.  Praise God, and I thank Him for everything.  A verse that has been speaking to me is Psalm 19:14.  It helps me continue to have a good attitude while working. 
(Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer.)
Johiah N. "This week the Lord has taught me to remain flexible and patient while working.  1 Cor 15:58."
(1 Cor 15:58: So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.)
Thank you for allowing your team members to come participate in our Teen Missions project and time together.  They are each amazing people and we are enjoying getting to know them.

Mr. Tim, Miss Beth, Miss Gabby, and Mr. Ethan

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi coming to a close
By: Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi team sightseeing
By: Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders