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Malawi coming to a close

As our time here comes to a close, we feel very blessed as we both reflect but also do our best to maximize what God has us doing right now. We give God all the praise for everything He has done. We have truly seen Gods hand in all we have done.

This week the team has enjoyed the sightseeing portion of the trip. After 3 weeks of working, it’s fun to see the team just let their shoulders down and have fun. This team truly works hard and has fun doing it but they also relax well. It’s been a joy as a leader to watch them enjoy fellowship within the team. Yesterday (Tuesday, July 23), the team woke up to a beautiful Malawi sunrise and we’re blessed with amazing weather as they had their devotions. After devotions and breakfast, we began our excursion to the lake where we got on our boat safari. The views and sightings on the safari included elephants, hippos, hawks, crocodiles, and various other wildlife. After the nearly two hour boat ride, we returned to our sightseeing lodge for a delicious lunch and then began our trek back to the TMI Malawi Headquarters.

Today (Wednesday, July 24), the team is taking part in shopping. The crew is excited to practice their bartering to find gifts for their family and friends. After shopping, we will be heading to a nearby beach to enjoy swimming and a lunch served by locals. After our time at the beach we will return to the TMI Malawi HQ for supper and our nightly program.

Tomorrow (Thursday, July 25), we will prepare for the trip back to FL for debrief. We will take some time in the morning to see giraffes at a nearby park. Our afternoon will be the business side as we will be packing the dorms, kitchen, and all our equipment for the journey back to the states.

I want to take time and give a special thanks to all our parents and families out there. I can sincerely say that it has been a privilege and honor to lead your youth. Your young people have grown in so many different ways and it’s so fun to see God working in their lives. This is the next generation of leaders. My prayer for your youth is that they will continually look to Christ for all things in their lives. God asks for us to be obedient, your young people have done that. May they continue to follow whole-heartedly after Him and Him alone. Our time is not done, there is still more to be done here. But if I never get the chance to say it to you in person, thank you for trusting God with your child. I feel blessed and honored to be a small part in the big things God is doing in their lives.


Psalms 1

The Leaders of Malawi LDT

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi team sightseeing
By: Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Happy Sunday from Rumphi, Malawi!
By: Malawi Team Leaders (8)