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Malawi team sightseeing

We can feel that our time is coming to a close here in Malawi but we're trying to focus on the here and now, being present. The last couple of days have been a restful period where we got to fellowship with the Malawi staff and students here in Chipoka. Saturday night we got to have a banquet meal with the entire staff and students at the base. It was a big Christian party full of dancing Malawi style and praising the Lord in all sorts of ways. We got to have a national meal of rice what we were told was goat, maybe it was beef, but it was good.

Sunday morning we got up and went to our missionary Miscious' Church for Sunday service. We had a beautiful sermon about being born again in the blood of Jesus.

Monday we are heading off for some sightseeing. An African Safari and boat ride awaits us at the Lionde national park. Our day will start at 5am with some coffee cake and peanut butter/sunbutter and jelly. Good old fashioned travel food. They are stoked to say the least.

All is well and happy here, we are thankful for your prayers. We are so proud of your kids, you should be too!

Gabby, Beth, Tim, and Ethan

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi coming to a close
By: Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Happy Sunday from Rumphi, Malawi!
By: Malawi Team Leaders (8)