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Greetings to Florida! We're excited to be writing this to you guys from Honduras.

Greetings to Florida! We're excited to be writing this to you guys from Honduras. 

Our travel went as well as can be expected. We definitely had some tight connections, but we praise the Lord that we made them all! At one point we were moving quite quickly through the Houston airport, just to sit on the tarmac for over an hour. But praise be to God that we made it with no issues, and all of our bags are here and accounted for. 
Once we arrived in San Pedro Sula we waited for a bit for our missionary, Eleazar, to greet us. We then waited for the teen Honduras team to get there. While waiting we enjoyed a yummy meal and spent some time together as a team. Once the teen team arrived we hit the road in two school busses. It's an hour and 45 minute drive, but we made a few stops along the way. Once we arrived in Santa Cruz at the Teen Missions base we unloaded the bags and then were welcomed with a delicious meal prepared for us by the staff and students. We had some potato soup and egg salad sandwiches. 
We got a good night of rest last night and today was spent settling in. Unpacking bags, setting up the kitchen, exchanging money, and purchasing groceries for the team. All of the staff and students here have been so kind and welcoming and we're so thankful. The kids have enjoyed looking around at the base and taking in all the new sights. Tomorrow they will hopefully take a tour around the base to see it all. 

The kids all worked on their laundry today and getting a much deserved shower. We also worked on their memory verses and getting their stuff organized. 
Tomorrow we are planning on beginning their work project. So, they're looking forward to that! 
The weather has been pretty hot, with evening rain storms. Santa Cruz is beautiful and we enjoy lots of nice breezes and sunshine. 

As for outstanding experience, the did team very well in the airport and we're so proud of them. They did a good job of being quiet and staying in line. What a blessing! 
We ask for your prayers as we settle in and get started on our work project. Also, pray that we would have continued safety and good health. 

Emily Brumbelow
Greetings from the Honduras Preteen team!
Honduras Preteen Arrived at Teen Missions Florida
By: Honduras (21071)
Hello from the Honduras Preteen team!
By: Honduras (21071)