Hello from the Honduras Preteen team!
Honduras preteen 21071
Emily Brumbelow
July 12, 2021
Santa Cruz, Honduras
Hello from the Honduras Preteen team!
The team continues to do well, and we're excited to be writing this report to you all! The kids have been working hard on their different work projects. They have continued working out in the fields cutting down tall grass. They've also started working on prepping the ground to plant some pineapples. They tilled the ground and raked up the grass. Once they reached their goal they hopped in the truck and went to a local pineapple farm. There they learned how to pick pineapple sprouts that are ready to plant. They got to go through the field picking the ripest looking pineapples.
The team has also taken time to do some cleaning projects around the base. Especially in the big house where we are staying. We as leaders are doing our best to teach the kids that you need to leave a place better than you found it.
This past Sunday the kids finally got to leave the base. We had the opportunity to go to a local church and share a presentation and games with a kids' Sunday school. The team had an awesome time! After church they got to stop at a local shop and grab some snacks. They were elated to say the least.
On the 10th we got to celebrate another birthday, Ryleigh B's! We got to make a cake for her and sing a couple rounds of Happy Birthday. She pretended not to like it, but we know she loved it.
As we go into our last week here we can hardly believe it. We are encouraging the kids to work their hardest and make the most of their time.
The weather has continued to be the same. Hot and sunny, and occasional rainstorms thrown in.
We as a team are so thankful for your continued support and prayers! They are such a blessing to us.
"My experience in Honduras has had its ups and downs, but I have learned to be thankful for everything. On Friday night I would find myself playing soccer with my newly made friends and even the Honduran people. Overall, my experience in Honduras has been great and has helped me be thankful for everything I have and more." Sebastian P

Greetings from the Honduras Preteen team!
Honduras Preteen Arrived at Teen Missions Florida
Hello from the Honduras Preteen team!