Hello everyone!
Thank you for your prayers for us, as well as the kids and leaders here at camp.
78 kids came for camp here from all over the country!
It is an amazing thing to be able to work with them.
The kids have been divided into 8 different teams.
Every day each team runs an obstacle course for a morning exercise and team building. They have a devotion time in the Word of God, Bible teaching games and fun. In the evenings teams prepare funny skits or games for the whole camp.
They guys are doing good. We are tired but healthy. Nights are late and mornings are early, but we are enjoying our time and the camp!
I taught a Bible class this morning and all the guys and a few volunteers helped me with a skit about Paul and Silas in prison from Acts 16. The guys did a great job and made it so fun for the kids! I hope the skit will remind them that when we have Christ we have all we need. Timothy will be teaching tomorrow morning from John 3.
Darin and Daniel have stolen the show for fun. Between frisbee, volleyball or singing and dancing with the kids they have brought a lot of energy to the camp! Darin taught the camp the traditional Teen Missions Boot Camp song "Rock, Sword, Shield" hand motions and all. The camp loved it. Every night the kids call us on stage for us to teach another action song.
In the evening the temperature cools down into the low 60s and feels very cold.
The past few days has been in the 90s during the day and last night we had a little bit of rain.
Today team members will go to a lake for a swim and to cool off. We are excited to go with them. Yesterday I heard that 1 girl gave her life to the Lord! It is exciting news and we continue to pray that that would be true for others. We also pray for those who believe that God would strengthen their faith and build the foundation that they have. Kids go home on Friday and we also leave the country on the same day.
- Please pray for the kids to know Christ and build their lives on Him.
- Pray that God's Word is received and obeyed.
- Pray that we would be an encouragement to the kids and the leaders.
- Continue to pray that we stay healthy.

Leader Training is Going Great
Hello from Ukraine!
Ministry Continues