Ministry Continues
Martin, a Ukrainian Leader is doing a great job in so many ways!
He was one of the guys that went through the leader training classes with us last week.
On top of leading a team during this camp he has also been a great blessing to all of us because he is always ready to translate for us so that we can communicate with others.
Martin and his family are from Ukraine. His dad is a pastor. Each member of the family had only packed a small backpack for the vacation trip to Germany. They had no idea how a few days could change their lives. But then, while they were in Germany the war started. They couldn't go back to the Ukraine for anything. The things they had with them were the only possessions they had. This has not slowed Martin down. He has dreams and aspirations for his life. He likes sports, legos and working with the youth. His positive attitude and his motivation is inspiring. It was fun to have him in the leaders training and even more awesome to see him leading his own group of teenagers at this camp.
The arrival for the youth camp on Saturday went very well. Praise God for 88 campers who registered. We are in Germany, but these are all Ukrainian children that have left Ukraine because of the war. All of them have family that are back in Ukraine. Some of them are fighting in the war and others unable or unwilling to get out of the country.
Sunday was the first official camp day. Seth and Tim have been teaching in the morning and evening Bible sessions. We start every morning with exercises, then each team goes to a meeting place and has a Bible time together. After that we go to breakfast. Throughout the day there are games and other fun activities for the teenagers. In the evenings we have a rally and someone gives a Bible message. We praise God because we are all healthy. We are having a great time together.
Pray God continues to bless the camp and uses us for his glory.
Friday at noon parents will come to pick up their kids and the camp here will be over. We then start traveling to our next destination. We take a flight to Poland and then a bus the rest of the way. We will be met by the camp director there and start Leadership Training right away.
You can pray for all the kids here at camp that they would have a personal relationship with God before they go home and that God would teach them more about him and his love for them.
Please pray for the leaders as they oversee the kids and get little sleep every night but they wake up ready to lead the kids again the next day!
Pray for our travels in the next few days.
For continued good health and for wisdom as we teach.
Thank you and God bless.