Leader Training is Going Great
Julia and her brother Nazik came to the Leader Training so they could help at the camp next week. They shared their testimonies last night about how they heard about Christ but their parents did not want them to be Christians. Julia received an Operation Christmas Shoe Box when she was little and shared it with her brother. Then they started attending the Sunday School of the church where they received the Shoe Box from. Their parents were ok with them attending the Sunday school but when Julia and Nazik started talking with their parents about Christianity they were not happy. But God has was working even when Julia and Nazik couldn't see it. Some of their family members have now received Christ and are living for him something that has been difficult for so many because of the war in Ukraine.
Julia and Nazik are just 2 people that we have been working with here in Ukraine training them for the camp next week. So many stories from so many people we could not even hope to write them all here. We are doing our best to encourage these leaders and prepare them for the camp next week. We have taught classes on Biblical leadership, how to organize a Bible study, Unity, Attitudes, Servanthood, Counseling, leadership principles from the book of Nehemiah, and many others. The guys are doing a great job teaching and getting to know the leaders. We feel like we are starting to get to know each of the leaders better and doing our best to remember their names as well as improve our Ukrainian!
Tomorrow is arrival day for the kids that are coming. We look forward to working with them and helping to organize that part of the camp. What an amazing opportunity we have to work with these people! We have been working on the schedule for next week, getting tents put up for kids and preparing materials for games and classes. It rained yesterday and today so some of the tents are a little wet inside but not too bad. We are thankful that our tents have been dry inside.
- Please pray for the kids that are coming to camp.
- Pray that God's Word is received and obeyed.
- Pray that we would be an encouragement to the kids and the leaders.
- Continue to pray that we stay healthy.