Hello family members of the Honduras preteen team!
We are so excited to be writing this report to you guys—our first report! The team has been at Boot Camp for a week now, and they've already learned a lot. The arrival day for the preteens went well, even though we had a good amount of rain come in. They took it in stride and made the most of a tough situation. We then had an Orientation Day where they learned all they needed to know about Boot Camp and the rules. Since Thursday, they've been in Boot Camp training mode and going to their training classes. They have evangelistic classes like drama and music. Then they had construction classes like concrete and digging. They also have several Bible classes they attend. We've been going over the Armor Of God, and we've had the privilege to learn from a "knight in shining armor"! One of Teen Missions' staff members, Tim Chaffee, has been dressing up for them and teaching them about the armor of God. In the mornings the team has also been running the Obstacle Course. Overall, they seem to be doing well on it and trying their best to work as a team.
The weather here has been a good mixture. The first few days of training we had a lot of rain, so much so that things got a little flooded. But since then we've had several sunny days that have dried it up. With the heat, we've been staying on the kids to KEEP DRINKING! It can be hard to remember to stay hydrated so we give plenty of reminders.
We've had several of our kids come forward during rallies for prayer and to rededicate their lives. We've also had many of them asking good questions concerning their walks with Christ.
Every one is getting really exciting about our upcoming Commissioning and leaving for Honduras!