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Hello friends and family of the Brazil team!

Hello friends and family of the Brazil team!

Friday was the big day for pouring the floor! The kids woke up at 5:30, and before 6:00 AM they had already mixed their first batch of concrete of the day. They worked incredibly hard. Your kids carried, mixed and poured 70 batches of concrete. 

Breakfast and lunch were carted up to the worksite. The kids worked hard and consistently, and the floor was completely poured by 2:00 PM. 

It was amazing to watch them work. They really leaned in and did their best. We're so proud of them! 

The kids took the afternoon to do their devos, get a shower and rest. 

On Saturday they had their last children's program here. They had fun doing music and puppets. 

In the evening the team got to be a part of the first event on the new floor. A Teen Missions movie that was made in Brazil was projected on the wall for the team and local community to watch. 

They also got to to perform the song they wrote that was inspired by the book of Philippians. 

On Sunday morning the team got to go to a special service the church was holding at one of the members homes. The team got to witness two believers get baptized. They also got to perform some music. 

The team is looking ahead to our last week in Brazil. On Monday the team will lay the first bricks of the walls. On Tuesday they will hand out some food baskets to the local families. 

On Wednesday we leave for our site seeing days in Belem. The team will be sleeping at a church. 

Please pray for us as we finish our time here. It's easy to look ahead and be excited to go home. Please pray that we would be open to what God still has for us in this last week! 

It has been a huge blessing and we've had great opportunities to interact with the people here and to share the love of Jesus. 

It's been going great. I feel like a lot of people here bonded with the local kids. I've really enjoyed doing the construction here. 

My time in brazil has been quite wonderful. I liked the movie we got to watch and doing the construction. 

It has been a wonderful time here. I'm very happy that we finished pouring the floor. Being with the kids has been an amazing blessing. I love playing with them and have fellowship with them. The team is doing great. I'm very sad that the trip is almost over. But I can't wait to see what flourishes out of our time here. 

My time here has been extraordinary. The people are very welcoming and joyful. I enjoyed getting to see the baptism on Sunday morning. I'm so glad to see the foundation of the church poured and built. 

I've really enjoyed getting to know the local kids. Seeing how God can speak and move in a totally different culture has been amazing. I've really enjoyed helping to lead worship each Sunday morning at church. 

It's been an awesome time! I've had a great time learning how to build the church. The people are amazing. I've enjoyed playing with the little kids and playing soccer with them. 

Beimg in Brazil has taught me to be more grateful for what I have. It has helped me bond with the team. 

As our time in Brazil comes to a close, I reflect on the meaningful friendships and time we've had together building this church. The local community has been very open and generous and has made me feel at home. I can't wait to see what God has in store for this church. And I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity. 

Over the past few weeks I've really enjoyed getting to know the local community. I made many amazing memories with other team members on the worksite and in our free time. We have been blessed with a smooth trip and I thank the Lord for the experiences I've had.

Hello friends and family of the Brazil team!
By: Brazil Team Leaders
Our mission work continues to progress nicely.
By: Brazil Team Leaders
News from Brazil
By: Brazil Team Leaders