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Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!

Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!

Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!

We are glad to say that all of our team members arrived safely to the Lord's Boot Camp. Arrival Day went smoothly. The team members were able to move into their tents and begin to learn the ropes at the toughest short-term mission trip training there is. The Florida jungle has welcomed them with humid and stormy weather. Aidan (a team member on the team) quietly asked one of the leaders if they felt like they were in Jurassic Park—apparently he did.

Saturday the team went through Orientation Day. It was their first day on the Obstacle Course. It seems that God has a sense of humor—it has poured every day for about four days. This made the water level high at the Slough. Many team members went for a quick dip on the first run.

The team members also attended orientation classes. From rules to how to wash clothes, they were immersed in the Boot Camp culture. We're excited for all they're learning. They seem to be a responsible group that is catching on fast. They seem to all have pretty good attitudes, and are pushing through the hard surroundings.

On Monday the team started classes. First they spent two hours working. This is simply to help prepare the leaders and team members to work together. They spent a couple hours this morning moving branches from the jungle into a pile to be hauled away.

Monday afternoon they had their first set of hands-on classes. They had carpentry and drama class, then they enjoyed their bath, laundry and free time.

We are so grateful for all God is doing. We're excited looking ahead to His faithfulness, and all He is going to do in and through this team. Thank you for entrusting your kiddos to God and to us. We've been waiting for Boot Camp all year, and we're so excited!

In Christ,
The South Africa Leadership Team

We’ve been very blessed to have a few relaxing days of sightseeing!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello everyone!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!
By: South Africa Team Leaders