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Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!

Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!

The team has been hard at work! We’re so excited for how much they have been getting done. We keep thinking we’re close to done painting, then new rooms end up on the list to be painted.

The team has made 17 bunk beds. The team seems to have gotten into a groove and is getting a lot done! They’re spread out around the base doing all sorts of different jobs. From roof patching to painting a mural, the team is working hard. We’re proud of them.

The team attended and performed their presentation at a Afrikaans outreach in a trailer park. The team members were excited to meet the kids and chat with the adults. It was a blessing to reach out to this unique group of people.

Overall the South Africa team is doing well. We have about a week left in country. Please pray for us that we would stay present and ready to serve God however He would have us.

“South Africa has been colder then I thought it would be. It’s been fun getting to know the team better, and we’re doing well on the work project. I really enjoy doing the evangelism, especially getting to meet new people.” - Morriah

“It’s not as cold I thought it would be. Ripping a part the old bunk beds was pretty fun. I’ve enjoyed the work.” - Thomas

We’ve been very blessed to have a few relaxing days of sightseeing!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello everyone!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello friends and family of the South Africa team
By: South Africa Team Leaders