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Hello friends and family of the South Africa team

Hello friends and family of the South Africa team

The team has been busy with a evangelism and work projects! They have made excellent progress on painting rooms. In fact students have already moved into the painted rooms (students pictured below standing in their rooms). The work continues as we paint more rooms and play room shuffle. People moving into the finished rooms so we can paint the rooms they were formerly staying in.

Some of the smaller team members have started working on the roof. The roof leaks when it rains, so they are trying to patch the roof with tar. They’re also screwing the ceiling back down more firmly.

The array of different jobs continue as some of the team has started on building bunk beds. The new beds will go with the freshly painted rooms. We’re excited to bless the South African Bible students with the redone rooms.

The team also did some evangelism this past weekend. The team went to a park and did a presentation. They had one person pray to give their life to Jesus after they were done performing! Praise the Lord!

They enjoyed going to church and performing for the congregation. They rocked the dramas and music! This team seems to be very gifted in music and dramas. They also enjoyed a nice afternoon walk to the local grocery store, where they shook the foundations of the store with how many snacks they bought.

“I like how the churches worship so lively. You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. God is teaching me that the Christian life is a constant combination of highs and lows. At the peak we see the importance of the experience we gain in the obstacles we overcome in life.” - Lani

“I’ve enjoyed working on the roof and digging the latrine. I’ve also really enjoyed playing with the kids at Sunday school and doing evangelism. The Lord has been teaching me a lot about forgiveness this summer and how His love has no boundaries. Also ox liver is interesting.” Aspen

1. The lady who gave her life Jesus!
2. The work that’s getting done!
3. How God is working in the team!

Prayer Requests:
1. That the team would have strength to finish the work well.
2. That we would seek and know God more.
3. Pray against homesickness as many of us (yes the leaders too!) are missing you guys!

We’ve been very blessed to have a few relaxing days of sightseeing!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello everyone!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!
By: South Africa Team Leaders