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Hello friends and family of the South Africa team.

Hello friends and family of the South Africa team.

The team has been busy down here at the Lord's Boot Camp. The team is starting to get into a groove. They enjoy spending time together, laughing and getting to know each other. They seem to be in good spirits, and are truly enjoying Boot Camp. The Leaders are grateful for their chipper attitudes!

The team has spent a few class periods working. This is to help them know how to listen to the leaders and get used to working with one another. The team spent time hauling dirt and packing it down. It was tiresome work in the intense Florida heat, but they kept on going.

The team had KP (Kitchen Patrol) on Wednesday, which means they helped the kitchen out with serving food and washing pans. The team had a blast at supper time, washing dishes and laughing together. Throughout Boot Camp, they've been a fun group that enjoys spending time together.

The team has their first music class today, as well as some construction classes. These classes will come in handy as they have many service projects waiting for them in South Africa. The music and drama classes will also be valuable for our evangelism we hope to do in South Africa.

Rain has been non-existent since the first day, making the Boot Camp even hotter. As the heat index reaches triple digits, the team is looking forward to the cold winter weather that is awaiting them in South Africa. There will be a big temperature change for the team in a week and a half.

Today (Thursday) the South Africa team ran the Obstacle Course (OC) by themselves. Previously the team was joining up with the India Eyeglass team for the OC. Nearly the entire team stayed dry at the Slough, a true blessing! The team also got all the books of the Bible, and two people over the Wall! We are still strategizing on how to get over the Wall. Our team is smaller in number, 12 members, and many of them are younger girls. This makes hoisting people up the Wall a challenge, but we're certain the team will meet the challenge and problem solve.

Team Member Testimonies:

"Before I came to Boot Camp I was so excited to come back. I've been having a great time with my team and leaders. Even throughout these first few days I've been here, I can see the change with our team. I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for me and my team. Love you mom and dad." - Grace L.

"It was a little hard adjusting to the new schedule but I loved meeting my team! We can work together to help share the Word of God." - Katie V.

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for God to be working in the hearts of the leaders and team members of the South Africa team

2. Pray for those who have blisters that are still healing

3. Pray for unity and kindness as this is when teams usually start to identify things in their teammates that irritate them

4. Pray for energy and strength as leaders and team members can start to feel weary

We’ve been very blessed to have a few relaxing days of sightseeing!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello everyone!
By: South Africa Team Leaders
Hello friends and family of the South Africa team!
By: South Africa Team Leaders