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Hello, friends, family, prayer partners and supporters!

Boot Camp is now fully underway, and Team Guatemala is thriving despite their circumstances. All 16 of our team members, along with our 5 leaders and 5 leader kids (making our full count 26), have been staying dry in the rain, which has been occurring daily. Tents have been made neat and were covered with waterproof plastic effectively, resulting in us getting 2nd place out of 12 teams on the first day of Miss Piggy, a daily competition to see which teams can be the cleanest. The Obstacle Course was run for the first time this morning, with us getting 8 people over the final wall before running out of time. Tomorrow, we are hoping to get even more over. 
Everyone is learning and growing well. Spiritual conversations have already been getting deeper, showing how well our bonds with each other and with Christ have grown even in the first few days out here. Nightly worship services have been lively, with all of us praising the LORD and thanking Him for His mercies. 
Prayer requests:
-That we would stay healthy (Some have colds, upset stomachs, ETC. Nothing serious, but please pray.).
-That we would continue to learn, growing smarter and wiser.
-That we would continue to grow closer together in order to be a united team that is ready to serve.
-That we would continue to grow closer to God, and that He would be working with each and every one of us.
-That when we arrive in Guatemala, we would be able to serve those we meet well, and that we would have many opportunities to share the Gospel. 
Team Member Testimonies:
Abigail S: "I'm struggling but I know I'll enjoy it. I've learned many hands make light work."
Nicolas M: "God has said great reward comes after great sorrow. God has blessed all of us to be able to come [to Boot Camp].
Aubrei B: "We're great! I like rally."

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)