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Hello, friends, family, prayer partners, and supporters!

Team Guatemala has been doing generally well these past few days. We've started taking more classes, including Block-Laying, Advanced Evangelism, and Puppets. We're learning to work together well as a team and all of us seem to be fully acclimated to the quick pace of the schedule. 
In Block-Laying, each team member is learning how to build structures out of concrete blocks and stick them together with mortar. While some are getting it faster than others, all are involved and all have been getting it. 
In Advanced Evangelism, each team member is learning to share their faith, use relevant Scriptures, and answer difficult questions. They've been taking the class at the same time as the Taiwan and Colombia teams, allowing all of them to simulate having difficult conversations with each other and sharing the Gospel.
Puppets class has been the favorite of some (especially the leader kids). The team has been learning the proper way to carry puppets and the correct form for using them. They've also learned how to carry and assemble the puppet stage, which is made out of PVC pipe and cloth. They've also begun to learn the dances that go along with the songs the puppets sing.
Spiritually, the team has been growing in unity, finding it easier to share their struggles and pray for each other. We ask that you all pray that the Prince of Peace has His way with all of us and all of those back home and that He cast out any anxieties or illnesses so that we may be strong. We also ask that you continue to pray that our time in Guatemala will be fruitful and will bring honor and glory to God as we serve there. 
Team Member Testimonies:
Josua A: "We did the Obstacle Course today very well. We are enjoying the time as a team together.
Timothy H: "I'm growing closer to friends. They feel like family. It's important to work together, especially on the Obstacle Course."
Rianna C: "We're bonding together as a team...Teen Missions has been very impactful."

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)