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Hello from Antigua!

Hello from Antigua!

Team Guatemala is settling in well in Antigua. The team members have begun their work projects and are loving the cooler weather. Surrounded by the sights of mountains and volcanoes, the team has been enjoying serving the Lord in this city. We have been working with the ministry of Encounter to help them prepare their school for the upcoming school year. The team's days have been filled with library organization, painting rooms in the school, and yard projects like laying garden stones.

Throughout the day, team members have also had the opportunity to grow their relationship with Christ and the rest of their team members. Team devotions, individual quiet time, small group conversations, and Bible Class have all been highlights of our days as we align the focus of our team with God's word.

Please continue to pray for our team as we serve in Guatemala. Pray for safety, team unity, and good health as we work to complete our projects.

Nora B.: Guatemala has given us a warm welcome, and I'm looking forward to seeing what all God does while I am here.

Sofie S.: Our team is growing together. The weather here in Guatemala is a lot better than Boot Camp.

Clara W.: I have learned a lot more about God in my time here in Guatemala. I have really enjoyed the nature and weather here in Antigua.

We are closing in on our final days here in Antigua.
By: Guatemala Team Report
The team is working hard!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders
Guatemala video
By: Guatemala Team Leaders