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Hello from the Dominican Republic team!

This past week of Boot Camp has been both challenging and extremely rewarding for our team. Boot Camp is in full swing now the orientation is over, which means we've started taking our classes. We've been working hard in our classes as we learn how to mix and pour concrete, do carpentry, and properly use digging tools. Many team members have been jumping at the chance to get down and dirty in our work classes. However, the team has been favoring our presentation-based classes including music and puppets. They've learned lots of songs, some of which are in Spanish, as well as a few dances that they will be using in the field to entertain children in the Dominican Republic and share the Gospel with them. 
We've also begun to run the OC every morning. At first, we struggled to get out of bed in time, but through discipline and a few special blessings, we've been slowly but surely shaping up. Yesterday was our first time making it through without any DQs. Special shoutout to Justin and Audry for being the two who sit on top of the wall and help pull the other team members over. We're also steadily improving in many other aspects of discipline, as on the first day of Mrs. Piggy our team was ranked in the bottom two in terms of cleanliness. However, we've been improving here as well, with some of our teammates even going out of their way to ask for time to clean. We still haven't won the prize for being the cleanest, but we're optimistic that it can be done.
There has also been some sad news as one of our team members, Leah, has had to go home due to illness. She stuck it out in the sick tent for a few days as our team prayed hard for a recovery, but in the end, her father had to come and pick her up. We're continuing to pray for her, for a swift recovery and safe travels. The team has grown closer after dealing with the loss and even though we are incredibly sad that she is going, our bonds have grown stronger. She was and still is a beloved member of the team and her presence will be missed. We know the Lord still has a lot planned for Leah and pray that she can continue to work for Him this summer.
We asked a few team members to share a little bit about how they feel about boot camp so far:
Justin S.
"So far I'm enjoying Boot Camp very much. My favorite part is spending time with my team. The OC is always a good time and the bucket showers are refreshing afterward. Can't wait to head to the DR."
"These first 5 days of boot camp, though challenging and new, have grown my faith as well as my whole team closer to the Lord. Through the digging, concrete pouring, puppets, and music class, I'm starting to feel ready to serve God in the DR."


Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)