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Hello, from the Guatemala Team.

Here in Florida it's hot, humid, and fast paced, but our team is overcoming these challenges day by day. Each morning during the Obstacle Course our team has joined together to become a fighting force for the Lord! The team has never been more united than at this moment! Each individual has made strides in their relationships, struggles, and trust in God. Some of us have had minor injuries such as blisters, colds, bug bites (lots of bug bites!), but it has not stopped us.

In our classes we've since completed Block-Laying, had a quick class in basic carpentry and moved on to Sunday School Ministry, a class to equip us in working with children. It was a one time class where we turned balloons into animals and taught Bible stories with them. In addition our team developed a skit for the Good Samaritan. If you ask me, it was pretty good!

Our team has shown great enthusiasm in Music class as we learn how to introduce ourselves and sing songs in Spanish. We started learning a new song yesterday that we hope to add guitar and flute to today. Everyone is participating and having a good time praising Jesus! To continue our presentation preparation we are in drama classes learning a simple skit that translates in other languages called "Colors." The skit shares the Gospel using colorful cloths to represent concepts like sin and holiness.

We furthered our unity through a team Special Blessing. This was an opportunity given to us to serve God for being disqualified on the Obstacle Course. We heaved pine needles into wheel barrels so it could be turned into mulch. We did so well that our supervisor deemed us her favorite team!

Teen Missions has had a guest speaker (Paul Veit) that taught a few morning classes and evening rallies that the team THOROUGHLY enjoyed! He spoke on dinosaurs, mammoth, cloning, and aliens. It has brought up some great conversation among the team and the secular ideas their textbooks may teach at school.

Team Member Testimonies:
Navie M: Boot Camp has taught me to pray without ceasing because Boot Camp is hard. Team unity is very important and communication is key. Compassion is important and without love I am nothing. Love you Dad!

Alexia C. I've learned that if you let go of all your anger or sadness to God he will help you through anything good or bad. All you have to do is trust in Him.

Andrew H. Boot camp has been an amazing experience and I have been encouraged in my faith. I really love my team and have enjoyed getting to know them, I am very excited to see what God will do through us in Guatemala! Hi Mom!

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)