Hey Prayer warriors!
Thank you for all the praying you are doing. We made it to the second rescue unit yesterday. Saying goodbye was sad to the friends we made, but we know they are friends in Christ and we will see them again one day. Pack up went well even though it was crazy windy, which made the temperature drop some. We even made a special stop to buy blankets for those that need and wanted them. It’s expected to be on the cold side until Saturday. Setting up camp again went well; the kids really have it down now. The Malawians here are very welcoming and we are on our second day of clinic and we are treating so many people. The village matriarch, their chief, came in with malaria yesterday and we were able to treat her and two of the backup chiefs as well. We have been getting more medical cases, but still a good bit of eyeglasses too. It’s such a joy for the kids to see the before and after when giving them reading glasses. Plus seeing the joy on people’s faces when they can read the scripture we are showing as the testing sheet is a blessing to experience. It’s hard to believe but we have one more full day here of clinic then we are heading back to the TMI Chipoka base. Many of the team members have been learning the local language, Chichewa. Keep praying for safety has we prepare to travel again, wisdom and discernment as we treat people, and for us to have boldness when we are praying and sharing the gospel with the people that come into clinic as well as being there for each other. Last night one of the team members was struggling with opening up to God and the whole team came together and encouraged her, gave her scripture and showed her support. It’s a blessing to see the team come together like that.
Kara L
Hey mom, we’re at the second base and the kids are absolutely adorable! I got literal bear hugs, it’s going to be so sad leaving them.
Carolyn M
Hello people! We just arrived at our second clinic location. All the kids are so friendly and we played lots of games right after unpacking. I was on the medical/ eyeglass team today, and it was amazing how many people came to get help and that we got to pray with all of them.
Champion D
Hey mom and dad! We arrived at our second med/eye unit and so far I’ve seen crocodile attack survivors to worms in the stomach that come out when they poop. I’ve drawn water out of a well to do laundry and pooped in a hole in the ground. I’ve got plenty of stories to tell, but it has been inspiring to be here. I can’t wait to go on Safari in a week then I’ll see you in just over two weeks. Love you lots tell my siblings I’m thinking of them.
Adaline E
Hi mom and dad, how’s it going there? Africa is amazing! People here are so nice, I’ve held so many babies! We have had many eyeglasses/ medical treatments, people are so happy to get treatment. I am happy to see you, but sad to leave! Love you!
Aspen E
Hi mom and dad I love y’all! The Lord is doing amazing things in Malawi! Lately He has been teaching me to live with a purpose. To live for Him. I love working in the clinics! Love you!
Emaleigh F
I am speechless about all that has happened. Pooping in holes, people with 6 toes, waking up at 5am and people in the sick tent. So much has happened.
Ben L
Hello family and friends! Africa has been an amazing experience. The people are so kind and amazing.
Kendel G
Hi friends and family! Malawi has been amazing so far. The people are so kind and many are so open to the idea of Christ! I haven’t met one not-amazing person yet! Always so excited for the next day! ]