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Hola from Republica Dominicana!

Time has been going by fast this week, we are already half way through our time here. The team has had a pretty busy week. We have been continuing with the painting of the property, and we are starting a new project of making window screens to put on the dorms here at the camp.

We have been very blessed with many opportunities to share the Gospel through our presentations. The team is always very excited when we have the chance to share our presentation with the kids and churches around us. These past days since our last update we have had two more presentations. We did one for a camp that is staying on the same property we are and we did one for a kids' church that was a thirty minute walk away from the property. The team likes seeing the area we are in so they were excited to get to walk to the church!

As their leader I am very proud of each team member because they have been growing in their faith and in their courage with sharing their faith. They love being with the community around us and it is very encouraging seeing them step out of their comfort zone to share the Gospel to the people of the Dominican Republic.

A few prayer requests:
-Good health and strength as we continue our project here.
-for the hearts of the people here to be open to receive the Gospel
-for safety as we continue going out to do our presentations

The Dominican Republic has been fun! We have had many opportunities to share the gospel through our presentations. Love you Gomez family, miss you guys.
-Arielle G.

The time here has been fun! We’re painting as our work project, very messy. Sending my love from the DR!
-Ellie S.

Getting to the DR and experiencing some of the culture has been so cool. The presentations are my favorite part, because I get to see how the God of nations brings joy to the kids even through a language barrier. Even though I miss home a lot, God has been giving me peace that doesn’t make sense and joy to share with my team.
-Zoey F.

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)