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In our first week here..

In our first week here..

In our first week here, we are well on our way to having the footer for the fence dug. The team has come up with creative ways to be efficient while they dig, like making a train with different tools and of course singing lots of songs. We have also painted several bunk beds and the walls of a dorm building. We still have some more painting to go, but we have a good start on that project as well. The bunk beds are being painted a jungle green and we are seeing that color show up everywhere now, like on boots and in hair!

On Sunday, we went to Nadi Brethren Assembly church. They gave us a half an hour to present. We were able to do both skits, 4 songs, and a few people shared Bible verses. The team did a really good job and the church enjoyed it a lot. We are invited back for their youth group fun night in a couple of days. After church, we stopped at a supermarket where the team loaded up on snacks and soda. The boys bought a big standing fan for their dorm. They are very pleased with their purchase.

We have all continued to enjoy the beauty of Fiji. The evenings are especially beautiful. The other night, we played 2 hand touch rugby with some of the neighbors while the sun was setting. It was an awesome sight. There is a river about a 10 minutes walk from where we are staying. The water is gorgeous! Some of the team decided to just go swimming in their clothes. Next time we visit, we will be more prepared!

From the team:

Gabe P- I am having so much fun here. I have so many friends. We sleep in dormitories there are eight boys and nine girls. We played two and touch rugby with the natives it’s so much fun.

Sarah D.- this place is so beautiful it is so amazing to do devotions in the morning surrounded by mountains. I love all of the people here and on my team. The leaders are amazing and our projects are going well. I hope we learn lots and that we make more memories every day.

Fiji Team Arrived at Teen Missions
By: Teen Missions Staff
We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!
By: Fiji Team Leaders
Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!
By: Fiji Team Leaders