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“MKZF takes on Florida (still)”

“MKZF takes on Florida (still)”

“MKZF takes on Florida (still)” 
Hi family and friends! The MKZF team is so grateful for the love and support they receive through mail and prayers! 
We’ve been busy and hard at work here on the Teen Missions Florida base. We just finished framing two sidewalks and are going to begin pouring the concrete for them soon. Our kids LOVED getting to sledgehammer the old sidewalks to break up them. I’m not entirely sure if that is a good or a bad thing. 
Yesterday morning we worked on cleaning our kitchen and eating area. This allowed Ava, Taryn, Logan, and Judah S. more time to prep the food they wanted to help make for dinner. They decided on pizza! In the cleaning of the kitchen they also happened upon finding extra food coloring and we had blue pizza for dinner! 
I’ve loved being able to see our team grow closer together and to the Lord in both our Bible study and in our team devotions. They love asking questions which has been very beneficial in helping them to learn how to study scripture in their personal devotions.  
Team Member Testimonies
“Hey Friends & Family! God has been so kind and merciful as He teaches me and "uplifts me with his righteous right hand" here in Florida where He thought it is best for us to stay. The projects we have been doing are really enjoyable, and it's good for us to learn the value of working as a team. I'm excited to see what God is going to do for us!” - Bethany W. 
“This experience has been something completely unique to anything I've known. I've formed such wonderful relationships with each of my team members even in the short time we've known each other. Though there have been many things that were unexpected, we've all been able to grow through it. Through the work that we do I know that each person has been able to have great personal growth here.” - Halle A. 
“Everything is going very well and I have met many new people that are very funny and kind. The Lord has been leading me to many different kinds of people in Christ and He has already taught me so many things while being on this trip. I have grown so much more in Christ than where I was before.” - Ryan F. 
“Hey! Thanks to my supporters and the people that got me here. I gave my life to Jesus and am growing spiritually. Oh and also God said no to the whole Africa thing so we are in Florida still. But I know God has something for me and I WILL find it.” - Hudson C.

Arrival Report
Hello from the MKZF team!
It’s been a busy week here on the Teen Missions Florida base!