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MKZF Team Reporting for Duty!

MKZF Team Reporting for Duty!

MKZF Team Reporting for Duty! 
Good afternoon!! The MKZF team is very quickly learning the ins and outs of property. It is still weird to be here and not be at boot camp, however the team is figuring out how to make this place more of a home! 
Today we poured concrete, it is hard work but the team LOVED it. I think they also secretly loved how messy they were getting. We have been live streaming church services. So it was really nice to be able to worship in a communal setting, even if the message was via a screen. 
Sunday afternoon after memory verse review our team went canoeing, kayaking, and paddle boarding in Bathtub Lake. There was lots of splashing and racing involved. We also did memory verse quizzing, where we had a couple team members “quiz out” meaning they were the first to answer correctly 3 times. 
We also had our first outing today! We went to the park to walk around and see something different than the Teen Missions Property. It was enjoyable to simply let these kids be kids and have some good ole fashioned park fun. However some didn’t understand why they weren’t allowed on the park “designed for ages 2-5.” 
Our kids love sharing stories and writing “raps.” These “raps” are more so simply the same words over and over with some funny one-liners and someone “making an (off) beat” behind them. My personal favorites are titled “Bread Bags” and “Musty Tent.” Some are still “classics” from our time at Boot Camp. 
Our kids are loving the letters and packages as you can see in the attachments! They miss you and want you to know that they are bonding as a team and having fun working together. 
Member Testimonies: 
“We went to a park and it was nice, everyone wanted to jump in the water. We argued about the tan bark being called mulch for a while. Overall I’m happy. I also knocked Miss Montana into the water and it was worth it.” - Josiah V.
“Hi guys! Its’s Keagan! We tore out the sidewalk and just started on cement today, it’s been fun. I got to work in the kitchen today it was really cool.  I helped make the dessert.” - Keagan F. 
“It’s been very humid here. The funniest thing that happened in my room was Fisher’s story about Sid the Bacon that liked to eat bacon. My favorite thing here has been hanging out with friends and making new friends.” - Judah C. 
“I’m having a wonderful time at Teen Missions currently. Even though that we are staying back in Florida I am still able to experience a taste of the missionary lifestyle. My favorite thing is that every single night in my room we have story time and we rotate who tells the story each night.” - Elijah N.

Arrival Report
Hello from the MKZF team!
It’s been a busy week here on the Teen Missions Florida base!