News From MKZF (Malawi, Kenya, Zambia & Florida)
News From MKZF (Malawi, Kenya, Zambia & Florida)
Hey everyone!! The team is doing good. They have been working hard. There is a list of jobs to do, so with 2 teams on property we are getting it done fast. Mr. Richard jokes about having to keep finding more jobs for us. They are learning to work together. Right now they are forming a sidewalk so we can lay the concrete.

Ever since Boot Camp started our kids have begged to go fishing at the lake. Saturday during freetime they enjoyed going fishing & relaxing. Most everyone caught at least one fish if not more! For dinner we surprised the team with Chick-fil-a; and they enjoyed it! Sunday we celebrated the 4th of July! For church we watched a live stream from First Baptist Church of Merritt Island. We enjoyed hamburgers & hotdogs and watermelon & Corn on the cob. We also did memory verse quizzing and played games.
Here are 3 testimonies from the kids:
Ava W. -- Lets just say this trip did not end up like we all expected. We signed up for Malawi, then got changed to Kenya, then to Zambia and then ended up staying in Florida. We were all not expecting these changes, but we know its God's will. We are all excited to see what God has in store for each of us. I have enjoyed morning devotions, and I like the work we are doing.
Honor -- While we may not be in Africa, our time in Florida has been fun and exciting. We are working hard and learning a lot. I've enjoyed learning to work with my team. I'm glad God put me here this summer and I'm excited to continue watching Him work.
Taryn -- News Flash: We are not in Africa! But, just because we aren't where we planned to be, doesn't mean we aren't where God has planned us to be. The amount of changes that have occurred have really helped me grow in my faith that God has a plan, and that God's will is always greater than our own. It has also helped me to be more flexible and learn to leave it in God's hands. Our team can still make an impact where we are. I wouldn't trade my team for the world. I love them all so much, and can't wait to see how we grow in our relationship with God and each other as the summer goes on. Also, thank you, mom and dad, for being so supportive and flexible with the trip changes. Love you and miss you!

Arrival Report
Hello from the MKZF team!
It’s been a busy week here on the Teen Missions Florida base!