Philippines Preparing for Boot Camp
I had to smile when the team walked in for lunch. They were soooo dirty and sweaty—it was obvious that they had been working hard. Pouring concrete is not an easy job and that has been our main project. They have been good about drinking plenty of water so that they do not become dehydrated.
The weather is very hot and humid. We do have occasional rain. Last night, during GG classes, you could see their faces fall when they heard the rain and realized that their "slightly damp" clothes were again soaking wet.
They have been working from 6 AM until noon, with a break for breakfast and devotions. They get a "snack" (usually some type of cake - banana bread, carrot cake, applesauce cake) before going to work to give them the energy they need until 8 AM when they come in for breakfast.
After lunch, we have Bible study and library reading and then some free time. Until today, they also had practice for their daily EV presentations before leaving for the presentations. However, Leader's Seminar began today, so they will not be doing the daily presentations during Boot Camp.
The tents are up and the leaders are eagerly awaiting for the arrival of the team members on Saturday (and we are still enjoying our fans and AC at night—unless the electricity goes out...). The team is excited to be judging the OC, helping teach classes and doing anything else that is needed to keep everything running smoothly—just as they did during the US Boot Camp.
The staff and students have captured our hearts in this short time. Friendships have been formed, even among those who don't speak English fluently.
And here is a word from some of the team members:
Hey Family! I am doing pretty good here! On Monday we got to go to four islands in the Philippine Sea and it was so beautiful! We also finished pouring a section of the concrete road. See you in a couple of weeks! -Bella
Hey Mom and Dad, Haley & Daniel! I'm having so much fun! I forgot how tiring it is to pour concrete. I've been here for a week. That is crazy! Love you guys!n -Jordan
Dear Mom, Dad, Casey, Josh and Mama Deb...God has continued to teach me many of the lessons He started teaching me before the summer. Through the beauty in His creation, my friendships on and off the team, and Him providing strength and joy in the moment, He has been continually growing me in Him and deepening my relationship with Him. I love you guys and I can't wait to see you! -Jess
Hi Family, We are in the Philippines. It is July 13. I will be home in three weeks. Boot Camp Philippines starts in two days, which is exciting. Say hi to Huddy. -Samara