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Tanzania Team is Finishing Strong

Tanzania Team is Finishing Strong

Thursday will be our last official day to run the Obstacle Couse and attend classes. We have had a wonderful time this week learning how to share our testimony, share the salvation message, and be prepared for interactions we might have this summer through our Advanced Evangelism class. The team has also been able to learn a drama that is a powerful tool in sharing the Gospel. Puppets are our other new class for the week and they have done a great job learning all of these new skills to take with us to Tanzania. We have had a lot of fun running the Obstacle Course and continuing to learn teamwork. We are thankful for the opportunities we have had to learn and grow in our faith.

For the past two nights we have listened to Dino Pastor Paul Veit in our morning and evening classes. Each evening we had an overwhelming response from the teens with our whole team going forward committing to standing for the Word, and never letting an opportunity to evangelize pass us by! The Lord is moving, and it is encouraging to all of us.

I think that everyone is looking forward to starting the pack-out process of organizing their things and preparing for travel. We are excited to be commissioned on Saturday and start our travel to Africa.

Please continue to pray for us as we move into this new phase of training and preparation. We are thankful for you!

Aiden P. - I'm enjoying Boot Camp, especially the Obstacle Course and meeting new people. I'm also enjoying the rallies. Thank you, Mom and Dad, and everyone who is supporting me.

Eden F. - I miss all of you and am glad to hear that Collette is having a baby boy. I've only fallen in the Slough three times. I haven't made it over the Wall, but plan to tomorrow. Love you all

Tianna B. - Boot Camp has been a challenge but I'm still alive! It has been really cool to see how I and my team have grown though and I am looking forward to serving in Tanzania!

Jonathan S. - Boot Camp is almost over. I'm really looking forward to getting on the field. I'm looking forward to serving God this summer.

Josiah E. - Loving Boot Camp and having fun growing in my faith. Can't wait to serve in Tanzania. Still alive, that's a W!

Tanzania arrived Safely at Debrief
Tanzania Safari
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Finishing Strong in Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders