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Team Malawi is finally on Malawi soil!

Team Malawi is finally on Malawi soil! With all of our Bags!!

We're all dog tired but excited to be here. Miscious, (Miss-ee-us) our missionary, met us here at the airport and the Lord blessed us by letting him come through the doors of customs. In the process we met Former team members who are from and went went on teams here in Malawi.

Our first step of travel here in country is going to the Chipoka base to get our bearings. Tomorrow Miss Beth will go to town to do the big shopping for the team. Among other things, the team will work on their presentation, laundry, and get some rest before we go to the Rumphi Base on Thursday morning. We are looking forward to starting our project and getting to bless the kids in the surrounding villages with song and puppets.
Thank you to everyone who is praying for our safety!

Malawi LD (24009)

Malawi coming to a close
By: Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi team sightseeing
By: Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi LDT Pictures
By: Malawi Team Leaders