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The entire team arrived safely on Saturday.

The entire team arrived safely on Saturday.

The entire team arrived safely on Saturday. Most came in the morning and the early afternoon, but a few came later in the day and didn't have much time to settle in. Thankfully, the team is adjusting well to the conditions here (heat, sleeping in tents, etc.) and is beginning to work together as a team.

On Sunday, we went through classes to learn how to survive and thrive at Boot Camp. We learned how to wash laundry, write letters, take great photos, run the Obstacle Course, etc. We ran the Obstacle Course for the first time on Sunday. We had a few team members fall in the Slough Of Despond, but we got 16 team members over the Wall. During the evening rallies, the team did a great team cheer. They have really been enjoying the music and speakers in the rallies as well.

Monday was our first day of Boot Camp classes. We ran the Obstacle Course in the morning (15 team members over the Wall and only two fell in the Slough) and then had classes to prepare our team for ministry in Zambia—Bible, music, carpentry, puppets and digging footers.

We look forward to God doing amazing things in the lives of our team members and leaders this summer. We have a great group! Please keep us in your prayers and we continue our training at the Lord's Boot Camp!

During the summer, our team members will each have opportunities to include messages for the folks back home in these updates. Here are the first few:

Hi Mom, Dad, Trevor and I guess Syage. I am loving Boot Camp and all my classes. A 12-foot wall is a lot taller in person. Love you lots, Colton D.

Hello to all my family and friends. I miss ya'll but I'm having the best time learning and doing new things. The Obstacle Course is the best and I love running it and I also love doing the personal devotions. Love ya'll, Callie P.

Hi to all my friends and family. I miss you guys. I am learning and doing my best. I am trying to serve and meet new people. I will see you guys soon. -Joscelin F.

Hey family and friends! I love it here. I miss you all and I am looking forward to sharing this experience with you! nLove you all! -Vince S.

Hi Mom and Dad, the food here is decent. It's hot and I have bugs. Love, Luke M.

As we explore the sights in Livingstone, Africa is forever etched in the hearts of each of us.
By: Zambia Team Leaders
Past week we have been working at the Teen Missions Base in Ndola.
By: Zambia Team Leaders
God is good!
By: Zambia Team Leaders