The team has been enjoying the final days of Boot Camp
Saturday June 18th, the team enthusiastically cleaned the restrooms, and enjoyed the pool with their teammates afterwards. As week one came to a close, so did their final work classes. After carpentry, concrete, digging, and steel tying class, the team members are prepared and excited to work on the field.
Sunday June 19th, the team enjoyed a Galilean Service on the shores of the twenty-acre lake. The preacher and worship leader were balanced on a boat in the middle of the lake. There was also a beautiful sunrise that the team members enjoyed. Sunday they also relished a break from the regular Boot Camp schedule, and an afternoon swim in the pool. Several also switched around tent partners. That night was also pizza and milkshake night. The team loved the delicious food and watching "Facing the Giants".
This week they have taken Advanced Evangelism each day. They are learning to share their testimony and most importantly the gospel with others. The leaders enjoyed listening to their testimonies and how God has worked in each of their lives. They have been eagerly working to learn during every class.
They have also been continuing puppets and music class this week. Puppets, drama, and music will make up their presentation on the field. They have been preparing the songs My Lighthouse, How Great Thou Art, Holy Spirit, Rock, Sword, Sheild, and Days of Elijah for their presentation. They have been enthusiastic to learn new skills, and try new things.
The team ran the obstacle course (OC) on Tuesday June 21st with their leaders. They tackled the wall first, getting eight team members over, the highest number so far!! They also completed organizing the books of the Bible in the OC two times this week. They have been pleased to see their hard work on the OC pay off.
The team really enjoys worshipping together in rally, the pool, and email and letter time. They work well together, and are learning to make the best of every circumstance. It has been especially rewarding for each leader to witness continual growth in the team members. They are a constant blessing, making each other laugh and encouraging each other as well.
Team Member Testimonies:
"So Boot Camp is amazing and I am loving every minute. My favorite part of every day is rally, its so much fun to get closer to God. I am so thankful to be at Boot Camp." -Aspen E.
"This week the food has been really good. Were in Advanced Evangelism, which is learning how to share the gospel in front of a large group of people. It has been very enlightening. Bootcamp has been pretty great so far. Still, I can't wait for commissioning night." -Issac B.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for continued wisdom of the leaders in making decisions.
- Pray for modivation and encouragement for the team members as they prepare for the field.
- Pray for team unity and the Holy Spirit to move through the team.