The work continues!
Hello friends and family of the South Africa team,
The team has made it through a whole week of living in South Africa. The time has gone fast. The team is in good spirits, they’re excited to be here and excited for all that God has for them. Our team is blessed with so many cheerful attitudes.
The team has been working hard on scraping and painting the dorm ceilings. Mr. Kyle says he thinks the team will finish this initial project very quickly, which will enable the team to do more evangelism and other work projects for the base.
South Africa seems to be a very dark place spiritually. There are a lot of false Gospels. Spiritism, ancestral worship, and cults are also common. The saddest part is that many Christian’s in South Africa mix these different religions in with their Christianity. The darkness seems to be overwhelming this country. Between the breakdown of the family (many single parent homes) and many people caught in addictions, the people of South Africa are hurting and desperately need the true Gospel.
With this huge need on our minds, we’re grateful the team has already been able to do some street evangelism. They performed their drama called “battleground” in a market place. One of Teen Missions staff in South Africa delivered a message afterward proclaiming the Gospel. The team also did an awesome job presenting at a church. We have a team that seems to do very well with the dramas and music. However we’re still working on getting great at puppets hahahaha….
Today was the 4th of July. The team enjoyed a small party and glow sticks. The lady leaders cooked up an American storm. They had bbq pork sandwiches, baked beans, striped sugar cookie bars, and corn. The kids loved the meal and fun was had by all!
“South Africa has been pretty chilly. The people here are friendly and outgoing. I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with the Teen Missions Bible students here. They’re always happy to chat with us and I really enjoy it.” - Nikki
“South Africa has been colder than I thought it would be. But I’m having a lot of fun and the people here are amazing. I had a lot of fun at church yesterday, I enjoyed experiencing how they worship.” - Lydia
As always, we are grateful for your prayers and letters. Thank you for lifting us up every day!
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the team will stay healthy and avoid this flu.
- Please pray for effective evangelism
- Please pray for the country of South Africa that God’s Holy Spirit would work here in a new way.