The Zambia team has relocated to the Teen Missions Lufwanyama Wangibisha base.
On Saturday, we took a tour of the TMI Base in Ndola. It was inspiring to see how innovatively they have used every resource they have to support the ministry here. In the evening, we shared our presentation with the Bible school students.
After packing up our supplies on Sunday morning, we left for our first project site at the Teen Missions Lufwanyama Wangibisha base.
On the way, we stopped at a church in Katembula for the Sunday service. We had the opportunity to share our presentation. The team really enjoyed joining in with the exuberant Zambian worship.
The next few hours were spent traveling the rough and dusty roads into the bush to Lufwanyama. During a short PB&J lunch break, several of our team members had the opportunity to share Christ with the gas station attendants.
We arrived at the base tired, but blessed to see that the staff and students had set up our tent site.
In the morning we will begin our ministry here. Our projects include ministering to children in local villages with the circuit riders who visit the Sunday Schools each week.
Hello all!
I hope you are all well. We are pretty much settled into the rescue unit for the week. I love it here! We have been able to play a lot of "futbol" with the locals at the rescue units. They're good at it over here! Alrighty, I love, and miss you all!
Vince S.
Hello everyone,
We are having a lot of fun here hanging out with the kids. It is cool learning a new culture and how they function. The weather is much better then Florida here. Continue to pray for us and to my family I love you guys and miss you.
Colton D.
Hey guys,
The Lord is amazing and is doing wonderful things in and through us. I am having a blast playing with the kids, especially playing soccer(football). Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming which makes it easier being away from home. Please continue to pray for the team and the people we are ministering to. Love and miss everyone
Callie P.