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These past few days have flown by.

These past few days have flown by.

We have all been blessed by our speaker the past few nights, Paul Veit (known as the Dino Pastor). In the classes during the day the team continues to learn more dramas and perfect their puppet skills. The teens are really getting to know one another and are working well together as a unit. We finish our training classes on Thursday and begin taking down Boot Camp and packing out on Friday. Commissioning is on Saturday and we are all looking forward to heading to Taiwan. Please continue to pray for each team member and the five leaders. Pray for continued good health and safe travels. We are excited to see how the Lord will use Team Taiwan to spread His Word this summer!

Hello! It's day eight already and soon team Taiwan will be in the air! We've all come together as a team and today one of our assistant leaders made some scrumptious cinnamon rolls to go with our lunch, it was such a wonderful treat! It hasn't rained in a while and our clothes have finally dried out but now it's really hot so we're praying for it to cool down. - Katie-Grace S.

Being at Teen Missions has definitely taught me so much about myself, it has been an amazing journey of self discovery, I am so grateful that my team has bonded well with each other despite our occasional slip ups. Being with so many people for so long really teaches us a thing or two including how to work together. I cannot wait to finally leave the country for the first time and to experience so many amazing things.

It's going to be awesome seeing how God works through us in Taiwan this Summer
-David S.

Philippines LDT Is Ready For Debrief
By: Philippines Team Leaders
Taiwan Arrived Safely to Debrief
Greetings from Team Taiwan!
By: Taiwan Team Leaders