Steven & Gay Petersen

Steve (from Denver, Colorado) heard the Lord’s call to missions when he was just 12 years old and first served on a Teen Missions team to the Virgin Islands in 1979 when he was 15. After graduating in 1984 from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, Steve joined Teen Missions and served that first year as an assistant coordinator at the Brazil Overseas Boot Camp. Since then, Steve has served in overseas Boot Camps in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, the Philippines, Jordan, Indonesia, Lebanon, and Russia. Steve now serves as the President at the TMI headquarters. He also enjoys serving as an instructor at TMI’s Sojourner School of Ministry teaching various classes such as Synthesis, Personal Evangelism and Revelation/Daniel, as well as others.
Gay (from Shreveport, Louisiana) graduated from Louisiana State University in 1985 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and in 1994 with a master’s degree in Education. She was a popular second-grade teacher who served three summers as a volunteer leader to South Africa, Hungary, and Malawi from 1990-1992. Never to be the same again, she worked to pay off her college debts and came on full-time staff in 1995.
Steve was known as the President of the “Bachelors to the Rapture”. But nothing is impossible with God, and after a bout in the hospital with malaria, Steve felt a peace from the Lord and he asked Gay to marry him (she said yes) while on a flight to the Philippines. The Petersens were married on Sept 2, 2000, and are blessed with two children–Timothy and Faith. Gay homeschooled both children.
Gay serves in the Human Resources Department and is also the Volunteer Coordinator. Occasionally Gay teaches a class at the Sojourner School of Ministry. She also proofreads TMI publications and social media posts, and travels with Steve as a summer team leader.
During spare moments, Steve enjoys family outings, yard work, reading and anything to do with the computer. Gay enjoys shopping for good deals, working puzzles, playing board games, cooking, nesting around the house and corresponding with friends and family.
- Steve – April 19
- Gay – July 17
- Timothy – November 21
- Faith – January 6
- September 2, 2000
Prayer Requests
- That the anointing of the Holy Spirit would be present in our devotional life and in our ministry with US teens and national teens overseas
- That our words and actions would be a salt and light bringing others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; His love endures forever.Jeremiah 33:11