Boreholes in Malawi
Let me start by saying thank you again to every person who has made these boreholes in Malawi possible. We really appreciate all the work that you have done to make this happen.
I have attached pictures from the wells at Nalunga, Bowe and Euthini.
Nalunga was the location that TMI tried to drill for water in 2018 and failed. The chief was so happy he gave the drilling team a goat! That was a wonderful sign of his appreciation. He told our staff that he had given up hope for ever having water in his area. He explained that the government has promised many times to come and drill a well, but they have never come. Then Teen Missions said they would come and drill one and we failed, but we never gave up! Now his village has clean water and everyone is so thankful.
God bless,
Seth Phippen
Mangochi Boot Camp 2020 Solomon Work & EV Team
(321) 453-0350
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
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