Mangochi Boot Camp 2020 Solomon Work & EV Team
Summary of Solomon Work & EV Team
Mangochi Boot Camp 2020
We praise the Lord that we were able to have Boot Camp this past December. We have been able to learn many things about ministry from this past year. Although COVID has taken a toll on our Boot Camp numbers we are blessed to have teams. Many of the parents are not willing to allow their children to attend Boot Camp due to their fear of the pandemic.
The teams combined on December 25 and they started their projects on the 26th. We have had two teams sent out from Boot Camp. Our Solomon Work and EV team worked at the Heart of Faith Rescue Unit. They were able to dig waterways for the pipes, so that we would be able to get water right to the Unit. The second project was the kitchen at the Unit. With a team of helpers from the Rescue Unit, they were able to get far on their project. All that remains to be done is to make gables and plastering the house where the facilitators are living.
The team was also able to do door-to-door ministry where they covered an area of about 1-2 Kilometers. We praise the Lord for everything this team has been able to do. We know that it is all done in His strength and power and not our own.
(321) 453-0350
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
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