Thank You!!!
I am thankful for the support that you have given me. I thank you for your generosity and kind hearts. Thank you for allowing me to learn in school by supplying my school clothes and fees. I am grateful for the clothes and blankets that I have received; they have been a huge blessing to me. Thank you for letting your generosity change my life.
When we have a camp every month I grow closer to Lord each time. During the class at camp, we learn skills that are necessary for a successful life. We are taught how to garden and how to help our guardians as well as how to take care of ourselves. I am grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me.
I am happy to say that early during camp I received Christ into my heart. Ever since that day I have seen a great change in my heart and life. My life hasn't always been easy, but knowing Christ and seeing His love through everyone here is great.
Thank you for always holding me up in your prayers. Thank you for supporting me and allowing me to be able to learn about Christ and His love. I pray that the Lord will bless you!
Darius has been supported by Teen Missions for 12 years. At a young age, he lost both of his parents and has lived with his grandparents ever since. He is grateful for the support he has received during his time at Teen Missions. You have clothed him and have covered his nakedness; you have paid school fees; bought uniforms, shoes, pens and books. This has taken a huge weight off of the shoulders of the grandmother who struggles to support her family.
Darius has been actively coming to Sunday School where he is doing well. He told us that Sunday school has changed his life significantly and that it has grown him spiritually, and encouraged him to grow his relationship with the Lord. He dreams that he may be in the champions of champion during camp so that he may be able to have the trophy.
Thank you for the support that you have shown, and for the prayers.
Cephas is 16 years old and has been living with his grandmother since the age of two. In two years he will be complete with his education. When he was three years old his mother passed away, and ever since then, he has been supported by Teen Missions. His grandmother has appreciated the support that Teen Missions has shown him over the years.
Cephas is blessed and thankful for the support that he has received. From time to time he receives warm clothes and blankets for when it is cold out. Through his supporters, he has been able to get the books and uniforms that he needs for school. The grandmother is happy to see that Cephas has been constant in his school and his attendance to Sunday school and growth in the Lord. He has shown great dedication to the school. He has been consistent in the things of God, and has shown great interest in Boot Camp, and does not want to miss it.
He has been so inspired by the opportunity he has to learn about God and for schooling. He wishes to help teach Sunday school and to bless other children when he is done with school.
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Feed Zambia Now
(321) 453-0350
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
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