Adventure in Idaho
Adventure in Idaho
What a week it has been so far! The kids are continuing to work hard on fire mitigation, while also preparing the cabins to be prepped and painted. This week we also have the opportunity to help the camp by running some of the stations for the campers recreation time. They are playing a version of "The Amazing Race" called The Great Chipmunk Challenge. Our students are handing out the clues and judging the stations before the teams can move forward on the course. It has been a lot of fun and something different. After the Challenge is over, the campers have Missions hour. On Monday, Russell and Lori Decker shared an overview of Teen Missions and we set up a promotions table with flyers and posters to give more information. It was well received and the kids had lots of questions. On Tuesday, Nicole C., Bridget H., Trace H., Isaac B., Caitlyn O., Rebekah G., Sam K., and Hannah I. performed the drama Battleground and then Trace, Nicole, Bridget and Emily gave their testimonies. It was so fun to hear about what Teen Missions has taught them so far this summer. Your kids are growing and what a blessing it is to hear it from them. It made a huge impact on the campers and many of them came up and asked further questions.
Wednesday we were invited to go whitewater rafting with the campers. The experience is geared toward beginners and EVERYONE had an amazing time. We were blessed that another boat was able to come up and take us and the memories made are priceless. The grins on their faces may still be there when they arrive home in August.
Today we will resume our missions sharing hour. The whole team will do a puppets presentation and then Eugene and Shelbi will share their testimonies. We will then go back to work on the cabins and try to get as many prepped as possible. There are 5 cabin buildings with two cabins per building. Right now we have two cabins cleared and ready to start on. This is a huge undertaking, but the kids are ready to go!!
Trace H. "Idaho has been great, the weather here still impresses me, cold mornings, and hot afternoons, make up the most bi-polar temperatures I've ever heard of. We did a beautiful hike up a mountain with awesome views of the lake and other surrounding mountains. The campers have been great to us. They're very appreciative of our work. Having a great time-Trace"
Nicole C. "I am super thankful that the Lord has been able to let me go to this Idaho team. Our team has also been working really hard on the projects and everyone managed to complete them. White water rafting and the hike up the mountain has been the best adventures I've gone to so far! I love all the campers that I've met."
Caitlyn O. "Yesterday was lowkey pretty fun. We went white water rafting for a few hours. Idaho is also nice since at night and morning it has been cold."
Bridget H. "So we are now at the second week of being at camp. This week we have the high schoolers. It's been a lot of fun and I can see the true purpose in our work. We've been having several opportunities to share our faith and testimonies, which I really enjoy. We've had our struggles, but we have also been blessed in so many ways. I hope the rest of the trip goes as well as it has been going so far! Bridget"
Timothy S. "The lake on Saturday was funa nd white water rafting on Wednesday was fun as well!"
Sam K. "Idaho has been a great experience for me. The work has been fun. When it was the weekends, we did a hike up the nearby mountain and had an incredible view. We even got to do white water rafting. We could also go to the nearby lake. The weather is interesting as in the morning it was cold, but afterwords hot. - Sam K."
Alayna N. "Idaho has been great. We have been pulling weeds, picking up sticks. One good thing was we went white water rafting."

Finishing Strong
Beating the Heat
From the Heights to the Depths