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Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong
Our last week in Caldwell Idaho.  Because we had been exposed to COVID our plans changed.  This taught us so many things.  Always trust in God's plan...Always be willing to do what is before you....have a joyful heart....let your plans go.....
This week we were still able to help at Love Inc., just in different ways than originally planned.  We did a lot of landscaping, painting, washing windows and anything else we could do to make a difference.  Tuesday, we worked a half day at Love Inc and then went to downtown Boise for some souvenir shopping and a walk around the Anne Frank Memorial.  I have been told it is the only one in the United States.  It was a fun afternoon walking and enjoying the sights of the town.  Wednesday and Thursday we worked on projects for Love Inc.   We helped fix an irrigation pipe and do some painting.  Some of the kids were able to clean windows and also sort donation items.  
Wednesday, Love Inc blessed the kids with a pizza party and ice cream for all their hard work.  On Wednesday evening, we participated in youth group with the kids we had met at camp from Caldwell First Baptist church.  
Friday will be our last work day before we start cleaning up and packing to go back to Florida for debrief.  The kids are torn as some are having a great time, but missing their families and ready to come home.  Hard to believe there is only one more week to go.  Thank you all for your prayers and support this summer.
Trace H. "Can't wait to get home.  Had fun this summer.  See you soon."
Nicole C.  "As always the food and the sightseeing days are the best!  Yesterday we went to the memorial of Anne Frank and saw a lot of things which was so cool!  Another favorite thing that I liked was the people at Love Inc.  I'm amazed how they are doing everything with the houses and money etc.  I really hope God gives them miracles to bless them.  I love seeing the positive actions/words my team mates say.  It brings a smile to my face."
Caitlyn O.  " We are finishing painting.  I am so ready to go home!  8 days, baby!"
Bridget H.  "As we wrap down our time and work here in Idaho, I'll admit I'm a little sad that it has gone by so quickly.  Nevertheless, I'm excited for debrief and everything we still have to learn.  I know that God has been working in all of our lives this summer and I have no doubt that He will continue to mold us into what He has called us to be."
Timothy S.  "My favorite part of the summer is seeing the aftermath of the work we do."
Sam K.  "1 week left.  Can't wait to get home.  But will miss Idaho and TMI.  Has been a good experience."
Alayna N.  "It has been a great time working in Idaho.  So ready to go home and not pull weeds.  Can't wait to see y'all."

Beating the Heat
From the Heights to the Depths
Welcome to Caldwell!
By: Idaho (21020)