Welcome to Caldwell!
Welcome to Caldwell!
We finished up our time at Warm Lake camp by completing as many projects as we could. We completed the fire mitigation work and finished the cabins we were working on. We also got a chance to do some touch up paint on the exterior of a few cabins as well as the main chapel building. The camp also asked us to do a couple smaller projects before we helped clean up and reset the camp on Saturday. God graciously provided our team with a place to stay in Caldwell that would prevent the risk of spreading any sort of sickness to the church congregants at Caldwell First Baptist church, where we'd originally planned to stay. A small, empty rental house was provided where we have plenty of room for everyone to sleep, shower, do laundry, and hold our classes in the evenings. We moved into the house on Saturday and were able to listen to a guest speaker for our evening devotion time. She talked about her work with the Jesus Film project as well as some other missionary work, and the blessing of having God's word in one's own language. The team enjoyed having a guest speaker who they could ask questions about missionary work. On Sunday, we attended Caldwell First Baptist church and listened to a wonderful sermon on servanthood. Afterwards, we were able to practice our verse quizzing before heading to a barbeque hosted by a missionary friend. The family hosting us was able to share about their missionary experience in Mongolia and present the team with their perspective in overseas mission work. The team enjoyed having the time to relax and hear from overseas missionaries.
It's been a week full of change here in Idaho!
We finished up our time at Warm Lake camp by completing as many projects as we could. We completed the fire mitigation work and finished the cabins we were working on. We also got a chance to do some touch up paint on the exterior of a few cabins as well as the main chapel building. The camp also asked us to do a couple smaller projects before we helped clean up and reset the camp on Saturday. God graciously provided our team with a place to stay in Caldwell that would prevent the risk of spreading any sort of sickness to the church congregants at Caldwell First Baptist church, where we'd originally planned to stay. A small, empty rental house was provided where we have plenty of room for everyone to sleep, shower, do laundry, and hold our classes in the evenings. We moved into the house on Saturday and were able to listen to a guest speaker for our evening devotion time. She talked about her work with the Jesus Film project as well as some other missionary work, and the blessing of having God's word in one's own language. The team enjoyed having a guest speaker who they could ask questions about missionary work. On Sunday, we attended Caldwell First Baptist church and listened to a wonderful sermon on servanthood. Afterwards, we were able to practice our verse quizzing before heading to a barbeque hosted by a missionary friend. The family hosting us was able to share about their missionary experience in Mongolia and present the team with their perspective in overseas mission work. The team enjoyed having the time to relax and hear from overseas missionaries.
One big change for us is that Mission Aviation Fellowship is unable to have us work in their facility due to our recent exposure to Covid. We did, however, have an opportunity on Monday to visit their display room and gift shop, as well as hear from a staff member, who shared with us about the work MAF does around the world. In order to replace the work, we would have been doing with MAF, the kids will be able to do projects for Caldwell First Baptist church and some of its congregants.
Even with the changes, God has been faithful to provide for our team in all areas. Please continue to pray that we would remain healthy, strong, and a blessing to those we are working with!
Rebekah G. "Hello. I am starting to feel a little bit homesick now that we left camp. We aren't going to work at MAF anymore, but we are still going to the MAF museum. The camp was fun and the mountains were beautiful. I have been taking lots of pictures. I am learning a lot and still learning more. Covid keeps changing things, but I am learning to trust God. I miss everyone and I love everyone! Excited for the rest of the summer. During quizzing I got my first verse correct! I said two, but on my first one time ran out. But for Psalm 19:14 I got points for my team."
Bea E. "Hello people, I am having a really fun time! We just finished at the camp and we were there for three weeks. We are right now trying to find extra projects. Love Bea."
Isaac B. "We finished our last week of camp, during the week we didn't do much but paint. We moved into an empty rental house that's about 1500 square feet. It's small, but it's got A/C!"
Abraham C. "Two more weeks at Idaho and one more week at boot camp! Idaho is hot and dry."
Hannah I. "I love and miss you family! There's so much smoke from fires here that probably ten years have been taken off my lifespan because of how much smoke my lungs have taken in. Dad, come fight the fire, because they obviously need it! Hope you guys are having fun in Sanibel! Love Hannah."
Shelbi K. "We went to Mr. and Mrs. Decker's house and ate lunch, and now we are going to do a barbeque. I'm excited!"
Collin O. "I'm lowkey ready to be home. We drove to Oregon today. We are about to have a cookout!"

Finishing Strong
Beating the Heat
From the Heights to the Depths