I am so surprised that it doesn’t say that in the Bible! This team has grown and lots of aspects of patience and perseverance! These past couple days have been ever-changing. We have had a beautiful ending to our time at pastor Ramesh‘s house; we all gathered in the pastor's living room and we got to hear all about the Sharon Ministries that they are coordinating. Then afterwards they give us very generous gifts of the traditional dress wear! The girls got nice Indian dresses and the guys got traditional skirts. Our last moments there were so sweet and full of encouragement and positivity. As the time went on we finally departed from the Sharon ministries, to arrive at Kings Ranch once again. We unpacked everything and got settled in for the next five days. Or so we thought. (This is where the Flexibility comes in) the next day we got the word that the team was supposed to be in Machillipatnam that day! Thankfully Grace was given and we were able to leave with a little more preparation the next day. The team woke up at a crisp to 3 AM to drive to our destination and arrive at 8 AM. To our surprise the living conditions were not tents as we thought they would be. Instead they were two nice rooms that had air-conditioning! We are living in the best conditions that we have been in for a while. Praise the Lord for it all! The team is really happy about the super nice situations! We are so grateful for everything we have been blessed with this past week. To add onto that, our prayers have been answered that everyone has gotten their bags except for one person! So you guys can be praying that we get Ava's bag in before we leave! To end this report I want to say that our clinics have been going very well and the Lord has been moving we have had various opportunities to share the Gospel especially to Hindu people! Please be praying that the people would accept the gospel and surrender to Christ! I know that the Lord is doing a work through all these teens and moving all of them spiritually! Though we only have a couple of days left here in India we are praying that the Lord will not allow our light to become dim but that he would allow our light to shine brighter than ever before so that we can all be vessels for Him Flooding India with Jesus Love, and Compassion! Amen!
Now from the teens:
We did some door-to-door evangelism and I felt our team connected with the locals and a way we hadn’t before.Their kindness, hospitality, and openness to the gospel has been wonderful to experience combined with the food and chai.Praise God for the churches here preaching the gospel, it has been a joy to attend them! -Elizah
Hey guys! I’m having a lot of fun and the clinics are going well. But the important parts of this trip are: The bus driver pulling out , smacking my head 4 times today(L.O.L), Oreos, Mike Reilly and to many other things. I miss you all so much even though I don’t want this experience to end. Love you muchly and I can’t wait to see you all. : )
( don’t forget the smiley face) -Jocelyn W.
Hey Fam! I’ve been budgeting my money really well and I can’t wait to buy gifts for everyone. I’m craving a peanut butter sandwich like nobody’s business. I’ve been obsessed with Oreos and there’s this awesome girl named Cambree who braids my hair all the time. Also, we’re Currently cramming 15 girls into a room the size of my bedroom. Love you guys! love you mom!